From LGPedia
LG | This user has been following lonelygirl15 since July 2006. |
This user's favorite lg15 character is Jonas. |
This user's favorite lg15 stuffed character is Purple Monkey. |
This user thinks that P. Monkey has a dark side that has not yet been fully revealed. |
This user is obsessed with userboxes! |
This user has been up for 14 hours, and feels fine. |
This user is severely addicted to LonelyCrack. |
This user is suffering from plot twist overload. |
This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes. |
About Me
I'm Ennovi, huge LG15 fan. My name is briefly mentioned in the article Down The Rabbit Hole: The Hunt For Bree. I recently started contribuiting to the LGPedia and look forward to helping out more! :)