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What GermanME likes about LG15

I like the whole idea on telling a Story like this. But most of all i like: Bree :)

What GermanME dislikes about LG15

All those Video-Comments on Youtube saying "it's fake". It's not it's not it's not it's not!!! lalalala!

Lazyeye.jpg This user's favorite lg15 character is Bree.
PMonkey world domination.jpg This user fears Purple Monkey plans to take over the world.
HotBaloon.jpg This user still likes Gemma, even if she is evil. Go figure.
Watcher symbol.JPG This user keeps an eye out for Watchers, just in case.
WolfInKilt.jpg This user thinks that P. Monkey has a dark side that has not yet been fully revealed.
My First Kiss.jpeg This user hopes that they don't kiss like a dead fish.
Longitude9.jpg This user's lg15 crush is Bree.
LonelyCrack.JPG This user is severely addicted to LonelyCrack.
Plot twist overload.jpg This user is suffering from plot twist overload.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
NoWebCam.jpg This user has never made a Fan Video. What's up with that?