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Lazyeye.jpg This user's favorite lg15 character is Bree.
JonasMini.gif This user's favorite lg15 character is Jonas.
Nikkibowerheadshot.jpg This user gets their news from The Nikki Bower Report.
Watcher symbol.JPG This user keeps an eye out for Watchers, just in case.
Bree cute shirt.jpg This user wants to know where Bree got that cute shirt.
C'mawn babay ah'll sang u a sawng! This user really wanted to hear P. Monkey sing Bree a song.
0185-JonasCarryingBree-Cropped.jpg This user thinks Bree & Jonas make out all the time, don't they?
0230-SpencerAndTaylor.jpg This user thinks Spencer is an amazing Chef.
LonelyCrack.JPG This user is severely addicted to LonelyCrack.
Jonas666.JPG This user's lg15 crush is Jonas.
Plot twist overload.jpg This user is suffering from plot twist overload.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
NoWebCam.jpg This user has never made a Fan Video. What's up with that?
0222-SpencerExtremeCloseup.JPG This user could just "eat Spencer up."
Firefox.jpg This user contributes to LGPedia using Mozilla Firefox.
UBObsession.jpg This user is obsessed with userboxes!
Charlie Small.jpg This user's favorite KateModern character is Charlie.
RES004-Hiss.jpg This user's favorite Resistance character is Reed.
0280-JonasInField.JPG This user's favorite Resistance character is Jonas.