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I've been watching Bree and her mates since it first started, thoguh I only got really into it after the first 5 or 6 episodes. It's hard work keeping up with all the information though!

I am happy to say I always knew Gemma was fake. I don't like Daniel. At all. I miss Maddie. I liek Taylor, but I don't like Sarah, and I really don't like Jules. I like Bree. I like her quirks - smile-and-nod has a whole new meaning.

JonasMini.gif This user's favorite lg15 character is Jonas.
Jonas666.JPG This user's lg15 crush is Jonas.
0157AlexEvil.jpg If anything, being evil only makes Jonas's aunt even hotter.
0157AlexIs...jpg "Alex Is..."
Tachyon They Are Watching.JPG This user wants to Bring Back Tach.
Tachyon7.jpg This user wants to be just like Tachyon when they grow up.
Bree cute shirt.jpg This user wants to know where Bree got that cute shirt.
Goofy boxing Bree.JPG Yeah, my dad died...but all I can think about is aerobics!!!
0185-JonasCarryingBree-Cropped.jpg This user thinks Bree & Jonas make out all the time, don't they?
LG This user has been following lonelygirl15 since the first episode.
Plot twist overload.jpg This user is suffering from plot twist overload.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
NoWebCam.jpg This user has never made a Fan Video. What's up with that?
This user loves userboxes.