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:'''1943''' - According to Daniel in his video [[Aleister Crowley (Video)|Aleister Crowley]] a girl is [[1943 abduction|kidnapped]] in Arizona, and Crowley may have been involved.
:'''1943''' - According to Daniel in his video [[Aleister Crowley (Video)|Aleister Crowley]] a girl is [[1943 abduction|kidnapped]] in Arizona, and Crowley may have been involved.
:'''1980s''' - Bree's mother meets Gemma's mother in Edinburgh at university.  Bree's parents meet at a showing of [[Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead]].
:'''1980s''' - Bree's mother meets Gemma's mother in Edinburgh at university.  Bree's parents meet at a showing of [[Rosencrantz
:'''1987''' - [[Gemma]] and [[Jonas]] are born.
:'''1988''' -  [[Daniel]] is born.
:'''October 26th, 1989''' - [[Bree]] is born in America.
:'''1994''' - Bree begins treatment for her lazy eye.
:'''1996''' - According to Gemma, a family disappears after their daughter participates in the same ceremony in which Bree is eventually chosen to play part.  (Many have speculated this is [[Tachyon]]'s family)
:'''1998''' - Bree's family moves to [[New Zealand]], where she briefly goes to a public school for the first time.
:'''2000''' - Bree's family visits the Northern Territory of Australia.  [[Jonas's parents]] are lost at sea in the Pacific Ocean and assumed dead.
:'''2002''' - Bree's family moves to Nottinghamshire, England, where Bree meets Gemma and befriends her dog.
:'''2004''' - Bree's family moves back to America, where she meets Daniel and Cassie during a brief stint in public school. Her classmates make fun of her and call her "[[Stargirl]]".  In the same year, Daniel's grandmother passes away.
:'''May 12th''' - Bree registers the [[YouTube]] account lonelygirl15 and begins commenting on the videos of many popular YouTubers.
:'''May 24th''' - Bree posts her first video [[Paytotheorderofofof vs. Dinosaur]].
:''Mid-June'' - Daniel graduates from high school; Bree is not allowed to attend his graduation party.
:'''June 16th''' - Bree posts the video [[First Blog / Dorkiness Prevails]] which, as noted in the title, is her first blog.  Two days later, she posts the video [[Purple Monkey (video)|Purple Monkey]], which introduces her beloved puppet.
:'''June 23rd''' - Although previously mentioned in videos and comments, Daniel makes his first on-camera appearance in the video [[The Danielbeast]].
:'''July 4th''' - In the video, [[My Parents Suck...]] Bree reveals that Daniel came to her house to take her on a hiking trip, but her parents refuse to let her go.  The next day Daniel creates a YouTube account and responds with the video [[Daniel Responds]].
:'''July 9th''' - Bree posts the first video of the [[Proving Science Wrong (series)|PSW Series]] — [[Proving Science Wrong!]]
:'''July 12th''' - Bree and Daniel finally go hiking together.  Bree posts the video [[My Parents... Let Us Go Hiking!!!]] the next day.  Romantic tensions on the trip lead to the video [[Boy Problems...]]
:'''July 29th''' - [[Bree's parents#Father|Bree's dad]] nearly catches her making the blog entry [[The Tolstoy Principle (and Dad "talks" to Daniel)]]. He takes Daniel aside for a personal talk in which he asks Daniel to film a play at Bree's summer camp.  Daniel refuses.
:'''August 6th''' - Bree finally confronts Daniel about his conversation with her dad in the video [[What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About?]].  Daniel makes Bree upset by trying to light some candles in her room.  The picture of [[Aleister Crowley]] is first seen in this video, as is [[Thor]].  This leads to a fight on August 15th between Bree and Daniel in the video [[I Probably Shouldn't Post This...]]
:'''August 24th''' - Bree has the play.  Daniel films a short video [[To Hell With Bree's Dad (yeah!)]] announcing that he's going to make amends with Bree and go to her play.  After the play, Bree and Daniel go on what could be considered a date.
:'''August 28th''' - Daniel takes Bree swimming in the San Gabriel River.  The next day Bree posts the video [[Swimming!]], in which she first mentions [[Cassie]].
:'''August 31st''' - Bree and Daniel make cookies.  [[P. Monkey]] signals that something momentous will happen on October 12, 2006.
:'''September 3rd''' - Bree's parents tell her [[A Change In My Life |she's been chosen to participate]] in a [[The Ceremony (ritual)|ceremony]].
:'''September 9th''' - Bree [[I'm Going to the Party!|sneaks out with Daniel]] for the first time. They go to a party where they meet with [[Andrea]] and [[Paul]], who invite them to go out again with them. Later, she is caught by her Dad who grounds her and bans Daniel from the house. A Few days later Bree sneaks out to meet with Daniel at a park so they can go bowling with Andrea and Paul. Daniel finds out that Bree is taking iron pills.
:'''September 16th''' - Bree sneaks out to a party with Daniel. [[My First Kiss| They kiss for the first time]].
:'''September 20th''' - Bree sneaks out to meet Daniel, and [[Learning To Drive|learns how to drive]]. They get in a fight over Bree's religion, in which Bree mentions the [[Denderah|Order of Denderah]] for the first time.
:''' September 23rd ''' - Bree attends the Equinox celebration with her parents, and is introduced to [[Lucy]]. The next day Bree sneaks out to see Daniel, and they have a fight. Bree confesses to her parents that she's been sneaking out. Bree and Daniel are [[My Difficult Decision|no longer speaking to each other]].
:'''September 27th ''' - Lucy is [[Who Is This?|seen]] by Daniel for the first time, as she and Bree go to a park to practice for the ceremony; Bree [[My Helper|asks Daniel not to follow her anymore]].
:'''October 1st ''' - Bree goes to possibly see a doctor with Lucy, and is followed by Daniel.
:'''October 6th''' - Daniel begins to research Bree's religion and posts the video [[Order Of Denderah]].
:'''October 12th''' - Bree participates in the [[The Ceremony (ritual)|ceremony]]. While Daniel spies on the ceremony, someone takes pictures of him, which he later discovers on Lucy's computer.
:'''October 15th''' - Daniel follows Lucy to her home and breaks in to discover the pictures of him spying on [[The Ceremony (ritual)|Bree's ritual]]. Two days later Bree hints that Daniel may be in danger for making [[The Ceremony]] and [[Following The Helper]].
:'''October 19th''' - Gemma posts [[Nut Kills Man|her first video]].  Sometime during this weekend, Daniel calls Bree on the phone for the first time in nearly a month.  Bree also reveals that [[I Lied To Daniel|the ceremony on the 12th was fake]].
:'''October 24th''' - Bree goes to Daniel's friend's house to talk to him, and [[I Listened To Daniel|reconsiders doing the Ceremony]]
:'''November 1st''' - Bree's parents tell her that the [[What Makes Us Sad?|deacons refuse to let her get out of performing the ceremony]].
:'''November 4th''' - Bree's parents are apparently kidnapped by Lucy and a [[Deacon (individual)|Deacon]].
:'''November 7th''' - Bree and Daniel [[On The Run|go into hiding]] for several days since witnessing Bree's parents being taken away.
:'''November 15th''' - Gemma warns Bree and Daniel [[Someone's Following You|to be on the lookout]], revealing the presence of the [[A Watcher|watchers]]. Jonas [[My Name Is Jonas| posts his first video]].
:'''November 23rd''' - Bree goes out to the movies and posts the video [[Date With P. Monkey]]. The next day Bree decides to have a picnic-style [[Thanksgiving]] dinner with Daniel on a hiking trail. The idea is proposed that Bree and Daniel go to stay at Jonas's house.
:'''December 1st''' - In response to advice from Tachyon, Daniel decides to ditch his car. Bree and Daniel are living on the [[Homeless|streets]] and in a [[Warwalking|warehouse]]. They argue about whether they can trust Jonas and whether they should return home.
:'''December 9th''' - Daniel and Bree wait inside a parking garage for Jonas to show up. When he does, Daniel changes his mind and tells Bree that he's going home.  Bree [[Your Decision|leaves Daniel for Jonas]] a couple days later, Daniel posts [[Back Home|a video]], telling about his return to his parents and giving an apology to Bree.
:'''December 11th''' - Over the next few days, Tachyon posts videos, which shows footage of Gemma [[Gemma? (Part I)|walking down a sunny street]] that is clearly not in London, [[Gemma? (Part II)|Gemma and Lucy getting in to a car together]], and [[Gemma? (Part III)| talking on a phone to an unknown person about OpAphid]].
:'''December 15th''' - Over the next week, Daniel searches Bree's house, [[Back At Bree's|finding a suspicious box]], [[Undisclosed Location|discovers a hidden camera in his room]] and flees. He then [[Breaking And Entering|sneaks into the warehouse]] from which the box was sent, and finds a large supply of [[Bree's injections|EPOGEN]]. Meanwhile, Bree [[Bree Phone Home|attempts to contact relatives]].
:'''December 25th''' - Daniel arrives at Jonas's house [[Christmas Surprise|before dawn on Christmas]]. Jonas films Bree and Daniel's reunion, but wakes up the next morning to find [[Bree's Gone|Bree missing]], along with his car and one of his credit cards.
:'''December 28th''' - Daniel and Jonas [[Mystery Movies|uncover the code]] that Bree used to communicate with her father, and [[Roadtrip|set out to catch up with her]] at her meeting location.
:'''December 31st''' - Jonas and Daniel find Bree with her father, and rescue her from the Order. However, during the rescue, [[The Unthinkable Happened|Bree's dad is shot]] and [[Bree's Dad Is Dead|presumed dead]].  Other deaths this day include [[Brother]] killing [[Gemma]] & Dr. [[Isaac Gilman]] dying in a mysterious car crash off the I-5.
:'''January 15th''' - Daniel implies that  [[Bree And I Hooked Up|he and Bree slept together]], which [[Daniel's A Liar|Bree vehemently denies]].
:'''January 26th''' - After  [[For The Ladies|going out to the bowling alley]],  [[Daniel's Missing!|Daniel is abducted]].
:'''January 29th''' - Bree sets out with Jonas [[Looking For Daniel|to track down Daniel]]. This results in a road trip, and they end up having to  [[Sleepover|stay in a motel that night]]. Jonas repeatedly assures the viewers (Daniel in particular, wherever he is) that his sharing a motel bed with Bree is strictly platonic.
:'''February 4th''' - While Brainwashed, Daniel posts an  [[Miss Me?|OpAphid style  video]], reassuring Bree that the Order is good, and she should go through with the ceremony.  The next day Bree offers to  [[Me For Daniel| surrender herself to the Order]], to perform the ceremony, if Daniel is released.
:'''February 10th''' - With the Help of [[Tachyon]] and [[Brother]], Bree and Jonas [[The Human Ransom|rescue Daniel]], Tachyon [[Rescuing Daniel|shares a lot of information]] with Bree.
:'''February 16th''' - Jonas confronts [[Watch This!|a watcher]] and discovers his house is no longer safe from The Order, so they  [[Yellow Snow|go into Hiding]] at  [[Jonas's cabin]] in the woods.
:'''February 26th''' - Bree [[How Dumb Am I?|finds a Watcher symbol ]], in Jonas's cabin and  thinks Jonas is part of a plan by The Order. She  [[Bree Is Crazy| ties up Jonas]], refusing to let him go until he explains the symbol to her.
:'''March 1st''' - After [[What The Hell?!??!|escaping]],  Jonas posts the video Jonas [[Proving Bree Wrong|finds boxes of Information]] proving that Jonas  parent's were not part of the Order, but rather [[Sorry Jonas|fighting against it]].
:'''March 7th''' - Bree, Jonas and Daniel, go to the house of Jonas's aunt [[Alex]], looking for  [[My Hand Hurts|more information]].
:'''March 11th''' - Alex is [[Aunt Alex|picked up from the airport]] by Daniel and Jonas. Bree decides to hang out with Tachyon instead and get some [[Training Hard|training]].
:'''March 14th''' - Daniel, Alex, and Jonas [[Uncle Dan|go to a party]] where [[Lucy!?!?!|a photo of Lucy]] is spotted.
:'''March 17th''' - Jonas [[Alex Is...|confronts Alex]], who admits to being part of the Order, and claims Jonas's parents are still alive.
:'''March 20th''' - Daniel and Jonas [[Truckstop Reunion|meet up with Bree again]] and [[Vegas, Baby!|head for Las Vegas]]. They are then tracked down there, but manage to escape.
:'''March 26th''' - The Order [[Subjects Apprehended|capture]] Bree, Daniel and Jonas and subject them to [[Psychological Torture]]. Bree agrees to do the ceremony.
:'''March 31st''' - They [[Communication Terminated| manage to escape from where the Order were keeping them]] but Bree is spotted by the cameraman, who is suddenly shot. None of the three can  [[Missing Days|remember what happened]].
:'''April 3rd''' - Bree gives background information about [[Losing My Religion|her mother and her religion]], which she finally gives a name -- the [[Hymn of One|Hymn Of One]].
:'''April 4th''' - The three [[Lying Bastards|follow Alex to Mexico]], and Bree and Daniel [[Confrontation|confront]] Alex.  Bree mentions that people have been saying that someone drugged them, but Alex denies that this was The Order's doing.  Jonas later [[Hug It Out|makes up with Alex]].
:'''April 9th''' - [[Jules]] posts her [[Call Me Jules|first video]] on YouTube.
:'''April 12th''' - [[Nikki Bower]] [[Following the Drugs - NBR Investigates|reports]] that Tachyon, Brother, and OpAphid are confirmed to be missing and haven't been seen since.
:'''April 13th''' - Alex [[The Perfect Beach|takes the three to her favorite beach]], but when Lucy is suddenly there, Jonas assumes that Alex has set them up.  He grabs a gun from the front seat and threatens them with it.  Alex claims that they are there for her, that they have a "new girl" for the ceremony, and that Bree is no longer needed.
:'''April 14th''' - [[Taylor]] posts her [[First Video (I know, lame title)|first video]] on Revver.
:'''April 16th''' - The three decide to stay in [[The bunker|a bunker]] that has been used by [[The Resistance]].  Jonas found out about it while looking through his parent's files, and they discover more clues there.  Bree learns that Jules could be the [[New Girl]] that Alex was talking about, by watching [[The Ceremony Girl?! - NBR Investigates|Nikki Bower's video]].
:'''April 26th''' - Bree [[A Solid Lead|learns]] that Taylor thinks she [[I Recognize Her!|knows who Julia is]], and [[OUT OF THE BUNKER!!!|decides to go to Texas]]. There, they meet Taylor, as well as [[Crazy Emo Chick|her sister]].
:'''May 4th''' -  [[We Found Julia!!!|Jules is tracked down]], Bree attempts to talk to her about how she shouldn't do the ceremony but Jules runs off.  Bree and Daniel kidnap Jules.
:'''May 9th'''  - Jules escapes. They eventually find her, but Lucy and the watchers show up.  Bree goes to talk to them and [[What the F*@k???|ends up going with them]], leaving Daniel and Jonas perplexed.
:'''May 18th''' - Taylor discovers that Jules (unlike Bree) is not adopted.  Daniel [[Let's Play Doctor|steals Jules's medical records]], which contain a page with the EPOGEN symbol on it and the note "Trait: Negative."
:'''May 25th''' - A brainwashed Bree makes a [[Sing With Me|video advertising the hymn of one]], but containing a hidden message.
:'''May 26th''' - Sarah meets up with the boys in California.  The three of them [[CAMP PLAY|find a box]] containing significant [[Opening the Box|information about Bree]].
:'''June 1st''' - Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah [[It's A Cult|infiltrate a Hymn of One recruitment seminar]], and [[Getting Her Back|get Bree back]], against her will.
:'''June 5th''' - In a rented cabin, Bree's friends try to [[Bedside Manner|deprogram her]].
:'''June 8th''' - In the morning after [[HOLY SH%T!!!|their first kiss]], Jonas discovers that [[The Morning After|Bree has run away]].
:'''June 15th''' - Bree, apparently still brainwashed, uploads [[Going Home|a video from her phone]], stating that she is lost asking the Hymn of One to come find her.  They pick her up shortly afterwards.
:'''June 18th''' - Taylor [[A New Lead|cracks a barcode]] from Bree's dad's box, tracing it to the Wyman Foundation in San Diego, CA.
:'''June 19th''' - Daniel finds the name [[Isaac Gilman|Dr. Isaac Gilman]] in the box, but when they [[The Mad Scientist|go to the Wyman Foundation]] to find him, they are told he doesn't work there.
:'''June 20th''' - After more research, the gang [[Sweating Bullets|infiltrates Issac Gilman's health club]], where they meet [[The Mistress (character)|a woman]] who claims to be able to help them.
:'''June 22nd''' - They [[The Mistress|privately meet with the woman]], who reveals herself to be Issac Gilman's former mistress.  They also learn that Gilman died on 12/31/06 (the same day as Bree's dad).
:'''June 25th''' - Jonas [[In (Search of) sanity...|heads back to Zavalla]], where he and Taylor eventually contact Issac Gilman's son, [[Spencer]].
:'''June 29th''' - Spencer [[What Up Blogosphere!|posts a video response]], stating that he knows nothing of his father's work and that he wishes to be left alone.
[[Category:Breeniverse events]]
:'''July 6th''' - Daniel and Sarah [[All Wet|find Isaac Gilman's research files]],  at [[Look Back| Jonas' parent's yacht club]], while Jonas and Taylor [[Going Back to Cali|return to California]] .

Revision as of 20:33, 8 July 2007

Before YouTube

May 25th, 1799 - Napoleon's troops, along with artist Vivant Denon reach Denderah. Denon makes sketches of the Zodiac.
October 12th, 1875 - Aleister Crowley is born.
1943 - According to Daniel in his video Aleister Crowley a girl is kidnapped in Arizona, and Crowley may have been involved.
1980s - Bree's mother meets Gemma's mother in Edinburgh at university. Bree's parents meet at a showing of [[Rosencrantz