Bree's diet

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In order to participate in The Ceremony Bree has to eat a special diet. Very little information is available on the contents of her diet. In her video The Ceremony Is Tomorrow :) Bree says: "The diet has been near impossible. I don't know how I did that. Luckily, today they let me have milk and cookies." So it seems that she normally wasn't allowed to eat milk or cookies under her diet.

After Bree and Daniel run away and stay in The motel, Daniel prepares a special breakfast for Bree in Breakfast In Bed.

Bib diet.jpg

It is not clear whether or not the ingredients of the breakfast are consistent with the diet or not. However, it is unlikely that Daniel, who is scornful of Bree's religion, would bother about her diet - or that Bree would, since she's already decided not to participate in the ceremony.

Ingredients of the breakfast include:

  • Yoplait yogurt
  • Orange Juice
  • Bananas
  • Froot Loops