On The Hot Seat

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Template:Blog4 On The Hot Seat is the one hundred fifty-third video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Daniel is speaking into the camera)

Daniel: Okay everyone, so Jonas's aunt Alexandra, has asked me to...

Alex: No, sorry, "Alex".

(Pan to Alex, sitting at the other end of a table)

Daniel: Excuse me?

Alex: Alexandra is too formal.

Daniel: Alex. Jonas's aunt Alex, has asked me to help her do a little marketing video explaining what she does in the fashion industry.

Alex: Oh.

Daniel: It's ok. It's not on. Don't worry.

Alex: Well tell me before you turn it on.

Daniel: Yeah, yeah. Sure. Of course. (Pan back to Daniel) I'll do that. (Pan back to Alex)

Alex: I, um, whenever I do these things and I see my self on camera...I think I just...look ridiculous. And I hate my voice.

Daniel: No...come on. So, what demographic do you see your company's fashion line having the most impact in?

Alex: Probably...can I think about that one for a second?

Daniel: Nope, sorry.

Alex: No!

Daniel: Imagine you're on live TV.

Alex: No, bleh! Turn it off for a second.

Daniel: Sorry, can't do it. No. Sorry!

Alex: Ecch. Alright, we-we probably have the most influence in women ages 22 to 34 which is to say out of college, probably in jobs where they're judged by their physical appearence. Which is to say any job if you're.....

Daniel: Bzzzz!

Alex: What?

Daniel: I mean you were doing great until you brought up that whole sexism in the workplace thing.

Alex: Well it's true though.

Daniel: Well it's boring, though. (Pause) So, tell us about a typical day in the life of Alex, fancy-shmancy Fashion Designer.

Alex: I get up insanely early, go to my favorite coffee place and order a "Depth Charge" which is two shots of espresso in a big black coffee, and I usually finish drinking it before I get to my car. I get to work around...God, I dunno, around 8:00. Wait for my hands to stop shaking and spend the rest of my day at the computer.

Daniel: So, tip two, you ready for it?

Alex: Yes. What?

Daniel: Try to sound excited about what you do.

Alex: Ugh. I'm sorry. Can we just do it all again?

Daniel: Uh, no. So basically you're telling me that you, uh, don't cut the fabric, you don't sew. You.....do nothing.

Alex: No.

Daniel: Not at all.

Alex: No. Um, I still-I still choose fabrics and select patterns, but I do all of my designing on the computer now.

(Pan back momentarily to Daniel who fakes snoring)

Alex: Oh, what? Like your life is so exciting.

Daniel: Well actually, we're on the run f...uh...

Alex: What?

Daniel: Nothing.

Alex: No, seriously. You're on the run from what?

Daniel: Ummm, The Order. It's complicated. Just whatever. Never mind.

Alex: Okay.

Jonas: ('walking into the room) Hey!

Daniel: Yo brotha!

Jonas: I thought you said you were gonna help me.

Daniel: What? C'mon dude!

Jonas: No, seriously. I think that's enough.

Alex: No, I asked him to help me.

Jonas: Uh, I know you did. (Kisses Alex's head) But, we got dinner to cook and DVDs to rent. So...

(Pan back momentarily to Daniel)

Daniel: (Softly) Player hater.

Jonas: Mm-hm. (Laughs)


  • Player hater is a popular term used to refer to someone who tries to interfere with another person's attempts to attract someone they are interested in.