The motel

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The motel

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For information on the second motel Bree and Daniel visit, see this page.

In the video Motel Pool, Bree and Daniel stop at a motel to clean up.

The Motel Room

Motel room.jpg

In Exploring The Motel we get a better look at Bree and Daniel's motel room.

Motel exploring.jpg

In Man In The Suit we see additional views of the motel room. Mits room1.jpg Mins room 2.jpg

In Fleeing The Watcher we see Bree standing at the window inside the motel. Ftw motel.jpg

Ftw motel window.jpg

When she looks out the window she sees a man in a suit.

Ftw motel outside.jpg

Bree and Daniel decide to flee the motel and we catch our first glance of the exterior before finally seeing Bree run from the motel.

Ftw motel leaving.jpg

The Motel Pool

Motel pool.jpg

Daniel pool.jpg

In Someone's Following You, Gemma says that she thinks Bree is being followed because we see a man passing by the outside of the pool. This man may be one of The Deacons.

Sfu deacon.jpg