On The Hot Seat

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Template:Blog4 On The Hot Seat is the one hundred fifty-third video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


Daniel: So Jonas's aunt, Alexandra, has.....

Alex: No it's Alex, Alexandra is too formal.

Daniel: Alex. Jonas's aunt, Alex, has asked me to help her do a marketing video explaining what she does in the fashion industry.

Alex: Oh.

Daniel: It's ok. It's not on really.

Alex: Well tell me before you turn it on.

Daniel: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. Of course. I'll do that.

Alex: I, um, whenever I do these things and I see my self on camera...I look ridiculous. And I hate my voice.

Daniel: So, what demographic do you see your company's fashion line having the most impact on?

Alex: Well, can we?

Daniel: No, sorry. Imagine you're on live TV.

Alex: Turn it off for a second.

Daniel: Sorry, we can't do that.

Alex: Alright, we probably have the most influence in women ages 22-34 which is to say out of college, probably in jobs where they're judged by their physical appearence. Which is to say any job if you're.....

Daniel: Bzzzz!

Alex: What?

Daniel: I mean you were doing great until you brought up that whole sexism in the workplace thing.

Alex: Well it's true though.

Daniel: Well it's boring! (Pause) So tell us about a typical day in the life of Alex! "Fancy schmansy" Fashion Designer Alex.

Alex: I get up insanely early, go to my favorite coffee place, and order a "Depth Charge" which is an espresso and a big black coffee, and I usually finish drinking it before I get to my car. I get to work around, I dunno, 8:00. Wait for my hands to stop shaking and spend the rest of my day at the computer.

Daniel: So, tip two, are you ready for it?

Alex: Yes. What?

Daniel: Try to sound excited about what you do.

Alex: Ugh. I'm sorry. Can we just do it all again?

Daniel: Uh, no. (Pause) So basically you're telling me that you don't cut the fabric, you don't sew. You.....do nothing.

Alex: No.

Daniel: Not at all.

Alex: I mean I still choose fabrics and select patterns, but I do all of my designing on the computer.

Daniel: (Fakes snore)

Alex: What? Like your life's so interesting.

Daniel: Well actually, we're on the run from.....

Alex: What?

Daniel: Nothing.

Alex: No, seriously. You're on the run from what?

Daniel: Uhhhh, the Order. It's complicated. Just whatever. Never mind.

Alex: Okay.

Jonas: Hey!

Daniel: Yo bro!

Jonas: I thought you said you were gonna help me.

Daniel: What? C'mon dude!

Jonas: No, seriously. I think that's enough.

Alex: No, I asked him to help me.

Jonas: Uh, you did. (Kisses Alex's head) But, we got dinner to cook and DVDs to rent. So...

Daniel: (Softly) Player hater.

Jonas: Hm-hm. (Laughs)


  • Player hater is a popular term used to refer to someone who tries to interfere with another person's attempts to attract someone they are interested in.