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Template:Blog3 Jonas? is the eighty-seventh video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


(Daniel is standing in a park.)

Daniel: Bree went for a walk with her stuffed animals. We're still living out of my car. Who is this "Jonas" guy? I don't trust him. I think that whole...story about his parents dying in a sailing accident? They're probably in St. Thomas or something. Bree totally wants us to go to his house. She doesn't even know this guy. I gave up school. I gave up my job at ??? It was a job. If I left right now, I could probably make it back in time to register for Winter quarter classes. I could get some gen eds out of the way and, maybe transfer to USC in the Spring. Whatever. I'm gonna let her go. Serious. Done. I bet if I left right now, they'd stop chasing me. They just want Bree. Why would I stick around if she doesn't want to trust me? If she doesn't want to listen to me? Why? (camera cuts to Bree in the distance, sitting on a picnic table talking to Purple Monkey) I swear to God, that little rat is attatched to her. It's like a cancer. She used to be smart, and she used to listen to reason. Now she'd rather talk to a puppet than her best friend. (cut back to Daniel) What does she think's gonna happen if they find us? I just wanna go home. How can I help her if she wont listen to me?


  • At first, this video did not appear on with an index number.