I Love You All

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Episode 416/3x006
I Love You All

I don't suck at Boggle!

Blogger Emma
Date Posted February 15th, 2008
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [16178 forum discussion]
Length 5:10
Description It's 4 am here and everyone's still sleeping.
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "A Woman's World"
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Previous by Emma "Brainwashed In Chat"

I Love You All is the four-hundred sixteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the sixth video of season three. I Love You All is the four-hundred sixteenth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the sixth video of season three. This video was incorrectly uploaded to YouTube as "Midnight Message", and was set to private repeatedly, sparking speculation that it was intentional, due to being numbered as 436 on lonelygirl15.com.


  • The transcript is hidden for your protection. It will be unhidden once the video is available for everyone to see.

(Emma is walking through the cabin in the dark. A few candles are burning and a fire is burning in the fireplace. Emma sets a duffle bag on the floor and walks over to sit on the couch. She places the camera on the arm of the couch and sighs. Cut to Emma with her face streaked with tears.)

Emma: I don't know how to do this. So I just decided to put my camera on and say everything I could say. If I could just say it. I'm leaving. I just bought my train ticket. I'm so scared. I love you guys so much. And I miss you already. (Sighs.) Don't hate me, okay? Please.

Yesterday I sent my parents a message. An anagram on the Boggle board. And last night we met in a chat room to talk. I don't know. After everything I've been through, I just need to talk to my mom and dad, you know? It was so nice to hear how much they love me; how sorry they were for everything. (Puts her head down.)

I'm a mess. (Wipes her face.) By the time we were done chatting, I realized that I needed - I wanted - to give them a second chance. And I know everybody in the chatroom probably thinks I'm crazy to even go back to my parents, and I know you guys don't think that they renounced the Hymn of One, but... (Sighs.) I know my mom and dad. Better than you guys do. And I still trust them.

So offline we decided to meet somewhere. Someplace where nobody can find us. Someplace where nobody knows us. And everything can just be new.

Jonas. I know when you watch this you are gonna be so mad at me... and mom and dad, and everybody. Oh god. (Rubs her chest.) I am so sorry for hurting you like this because you are the best big brother in the world. (Cries.) You did everything you could to keep me safe.

Goodbye. (Puts her hand over the camera.)
