Daniel's bedroom

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Daniel's bedroom

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Daniel Responds

We first see Daniel's bedroom in Daniel Responds.

Daniel apt.jpg

Although this video is shot with a relatively tight shot it clearly features a bicycle in the background and he appears to be laying against his bed. The bicycle appears to be resting on a pile of books but there is insufficient detail to identify them.

Girl Problems

In Girl Problems... we see another view of Daniels room.

Gp daniel.jpg

We clearly see a bookcase with several ornaments and several books, including the famous 1986 Batman graphic novel, The Dark Knight Returns, by Frank Miller (who also created Sin City) and The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks.

In What Bree's Dad Said... we do not get much additional information about Daniel's bedroom. Wbds daniel.jpg

Here we see Daniel laying on what appears to be either a bed or a couch.

Order Of Denderah

In Order Of Denderah we get what is probaly our best view so far of Daniel's bedroom:

Ood daniel.jpg

A guitar case and a very stylish table light can be seen in the background.

Home Alone (OpAphid)

In the Home Alone video from OpAphid we get a completely different view of Daniel's bedroom.

Ha daniel.jpg

That blurry red pillow seems to be the pillow seen more clearly above.