Talk:Rosemary's Baby

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Revision as of 04:26, 10 December 2006 by Demosthenesdown (Talk | contribs)

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This rosemary's baby suggestion has been raised on an off a few times, but it seems kind of outlandish to merit its own lgpedia page. just sayin . . . . --Milowent 15:56, 20 November 2006 (CST)

Anyone who put a picture of Aleister Crowley on her bedroom wall if capable of just about anything. Given how the plot of the movie seem to be similar to Moonchild i dont think its so outlandish!!!--modelmotion 15:58, 20 November 2006 (CST)

What's so bad about a picture of Aleister Crowley? He was a holy man.

I did not say he was a bad man (wikipedia might call him the wickeded man alive but thats their opinion). What i said is that he wrote Moonchild and there are similarities between that and Rosemary's baby. Given all the occult references in LG its quite possible the similarity is significant and hence the page is a valid contribution to LGpedia. I personally hope that the story does develop in that direction but only time will tell.--modelmotion 18:10, 20 November 2006 (CST)

Well, the similarities are very base. In Rosemary's baby, you have someone who was duped into carrying Satan's child. Then duped into delivering the child and having the satanists steal it from her. In Moonchild you have a satire of various members of the Golden Dawn during Crowley's time in which light strives against darkness...a woman undertakes a magickal operation to carry the moonchild...and the black lodge is trying to stop it.

What I would like to see in LGpedia is a universe of information that closely surrounds the LGstory lines. I believe that this places LG in a context. However it is important to separate fact from fiction and also explain how one sometimes draws influence from the other. The picture of Crowley and references to cults and secret societies opens up a lot of doors that may become the subject of discussion and speculation on LGpedia.

Time to go?

So there's been some discussion about whether or not this article should be around... from what I gather: lonelygirl15--->Aleister Crowley-->Moonchild--->Rosemary's Baby If you're keeping track of the degrees of separation, this article is a stretch... perhaps this could be summarized into a few sentences and moved to an article in the Theories and Speculation category or something. I move that we finally take some action on this. OwenIsCool 21:58, 7 December 2006 (CST)

I seem to be repeteing myself, but, once again, I agree with Owen (who is still cool.) Sorry Modelmotion, I'm not against you, but these pages! All these pages! And we're just filling up more space talking and talking about them. If I knew anything about actually deleting a page (and of course what the restrictions were) it would be gone. --Demosthenesdown 22:25, 9 December 2006 (CST)