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Revision as of 19:13, 11 December 2006 by Iris2009 (Talk | contribs) (Added transcript)

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Iris2009 is a LG15 fan who has produced video replies in response to blogs posted on by Bree.

The Video's

Iris2009 has gave warnings to Bree in the past couple of weeks telling her to go to Jonas.

Saying that Gemma can not be trusted and the watchers are still on there trail.

He made a video talking about that time is up for Bree and the clock had skiped 11:00.

Two weeks later Iris2009 made another video that was titled Who watchs the watchers when the watchers are watching.

Dec 5 2006 Iris2009 Made a video in person stating not to trust Gemma that she was up to something.

Dec 10 2006 Iris2009 tells Daniel to go back to Bree this would be the 2nd video of him in person.


I wanna tell you something Bree.

Hey its Iris,um...Today im uploading a video before i tavel somemore. I havent uploaded one i promised everone i would upload one of me in person. so,um..(long pause) Bree, Not to sound chessy which i do alot of the time. Ugh.(sits down on something)I really think you should go see Jonas. Daniel you should follow her too. (licks lips) seems to me that um..(long pause) Jonas can be trusted... Bree and Daniel you need to stick together. Daniel whould you really leave her? She is only 16, i think you should take some responsibilty(looks around)um.. And help her. Dude, she is only trying to be her age. she may mess with stuffed monkeys and teddy bears and go knows what else. But um...(long pause) Dude,(stutters) she's um, she needs to get back to reality. But you need to help her. Um..Ill post a video soon. alright?. You guys need to go to Jonas. Dont trust Gemma, Gemma has something up her sleeve. Ill talk to you guys later. I need to go upload this now. alright, bye. (licks left side of lip)

I go shopping...

hey guys its me Iris,um just taking you on a tour of the grocery store im at. (runs camera by pies and other foods, as you see a glismpe of a man in a black suit and he walks by Iris also.) So Daniel(reachs or does something as puts arm or hand in way) Bree keep running. um Daniel go back to Bree um..(looks around) you guys need to stick together Jonas seems like a Great guy..Bree seems like she will have fun with him. Jonas have fun with her. Daniel just go back to her..Um, you guys will be i dont know about myself. Im still on the ill talk to you guys some other time. Stay safe ill make a longer video when i get a chance next,bye guys.Ill see you around..(last minute he says Iris)


I go shopping...

I wanna Tell you something Bree...

Who Watches The Watchers?

Time is Ticking for Bree Video.