Bree And I Hooked Up

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Template:Blog3 Bree And I Hooked Up is the one hundred fifteenth video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


Daniel: Hey, everyone. So...I'm really excited right now. Bree's been really down lately...she's just been sitting in her room. When I went in, she was sitting on her bed, and she said she just wanted to talk, so I was like " least that's better than yesterday." We ended up just watching a movie and we talked late into the night. We haven't talked like that in forever. With everything that's gone know, I almost thought we were just growing apart. After the movie was over, she started talking about, you much our lives have changed over the past few months. Pretty soon she started crying. I just put my arm around her and I...I told her everything was going to be okay. I didn't know what else to say to her. She calmed down, and we just sat like that for a little while. Then...all the sudden, she just kissed me. It's not what you think. It's really just been something I think we've both wanted for awhile. The intense thing...was when she hugged me. It was like she was scared to let go. I think she was worried that I might pull away...I don't know, because she was so emotional, like I'd be weirded out or something, just because she said that she needed me. Anyway. In the morning, I, uh...did the walk of shame back to my bedroom. So, I don't know what this means. I...I think I know what this means. least I hope I know what this means. Anyways, you know I just want to do something really nice for her today. I've already done the breakfast in bed thing, tonight I think I'm going to...well...kinda have a nice candlelight dinner. Oh, and I'm not going to let her on the computer, so...she won't see this. I want to surprise her. It's gonna be nice.