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Ok, a little about myself. I've been watching LG15 since early July; 2 months after the very first video was posted on YouTube. I became a member of the forum here at 2 days before my birthday: 24 November, 2006.

I love the concept of LG15, where the Creators are going, and how you can connect with the show on so many levels. Almost every video makes me more addicted to the show than before, and I ADORE Bree, Daniel and Jonas.

I ♥♥♥♥♥ LG15

(and Danielbeast!)

(Oh, and Owen, derr :P)

The actors do such an amazing job, especially since they have had to adapt to such a different medium than they would have expected to be working in a few months ago.

People often think that I have no idea what is going on in the "Breeniverse" but seriously, they couldn't be more wrong. Obviously, I can't know EVERYTHING (even I'm not that good) and I will make mistakes, but I am constantly listening to, learning from and absolutely LOVING the community here on, and if you haven't checked out the forums, do it now!!

[3 March] I went crazy after seeing Jonas tied up on that chair, and when I regained conciousness I found these on my desktop.

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
