A Change In My Life

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A Change In My Life is the twenty-eighth video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


Bree: Okay, so most of you already know that I'm religious. The reason that I don't talk about my beliefs is...I take them very seriously...and I think that if I were to tell you about them that some of you would be very disrespectful. Not all of you, but...some of you. So, today I got some really cool news from my parents. I've been chosen to participate in a ceremony. The ceremony is a really big deal in my religion. They only happen once in a really long while, and it's very, very difficult to attend. My parents won't even be allowed to come. It's a big honor, and it's going to take a lot of preparation. There's a bunch of stuff that I'm gonna have to memorize...and I'm really bad at memorizing, so...that should be fun. There's also gonna be some special exercises that I have to learn, and I don't really know how they work but my mom said she would help me with them. I'll have to go on a diet. This I'm definitely not looking forward to. Other than that, it's basically like preparing for a bar mitzvah or a confirmation. So...yeah! 10777770864545499215686


  • Although Bree claims she just learned about the ceremony "today", the previous video (which was made three days before) contains a hint as to the date of the ceremony.