Proving Science Wrong!

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Episode 0009/1x009
Proving Science Wrong!

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Blogger Bree
Date Posted July 9th, 2006
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Description Does science really have the answer to EVERYTHING? I don't think so, and here's PROOF! Enjoy :)
YouTube Tags LG15, danielbeast, bree, daniel, science, evolution, quantum, mechanics, brian, greene, string, theory, puppy, staring, contest stare
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Proving Science Wrong! is the ninth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.[[Category:Bree's blogs| 000009]]

Proving Science Wrong! is the ninth video in the Lonelygirl15 video series, and the first in Bree's Proving Science Wrong series. This video has not migrated to due to the prominence of Bree's Napoleon Dynamite movie poster.


Bree (on camera): So today, we're going to take a few basic scientific principles and prove them wrong.

First up is the Uncertainty Principle. The Uncertainty Principle states that no one can truly observe the universe in its present state, because as soon as you look at it, it changes.

(Cut to Bree facing left.) Like now.

(Cut to Bree facing away from the camera.) Or now.

(Cut to Bree sitting on her bed.) Or now.

(Cut to Bree doing a headstand, braced against the far wall.) Or now.

(Bree looms in huge closeup, her head and cleavage nearly filling the frame.) Or now.

(scene cut - Bree has resumed her regular seat at the desk)

So when Daniel comes over today and does absolutely nothing, I'm gonna stare at him.

(scene cut -- Daniel is lying on Bree's bed, examining the digital video camera which will later be used to film the outdoor episodes. There is a black platter of Triscuits on the bed. Bree is leaning on the bed facing Daniel, staring silently. Daniel seems unfazed.)

Daniel: Yes? (Daniel still examines the camera.) Do what you liiiiike.....

Daniel finally closes the camera and wordlessly gets into a staring contest with Bree.

Bree (lying on her stomach on the bed): So there you have it. I've done everything to try and make him move... and as you can see, (She looks back at Daniel, fiddling with the camera again and eating crackers.) he hasn't. Looks like the Uncertainty Principle is a bucket of suds. Next time? The Tolstoy Principle.

I hope you'll join me next time for another exciting installment of 'Proving Science Wrong.' Oh!

(Cut to Bree sitting crosslegged on the bed staring at Daniel again while he plays with the camera again and eats crackers again. She keeps staring as she takes and eats a cracker.)

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Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!)

Proving Science Wrong!

My Parents... Let Us Go Hiking!!!