David Hume

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David Hume promoted the notion of skepticism of thought, i.e. being wary of blindly following a theory or teaching. He was particularly critical of religious theories / beliefs and seemed to firmly believe in the principles of inductive thought which tends to lean towards the past acting as a reliable guide to the future.

In to Gemma's second youtube blog ("Living in London") she tells Bree that their mothers met at a philosophy class at which David Hume, "an atheist philosopher" spoke. The famous David Hume was an atheist philosopher, but he died in 1776. Either the man Bree's mom met is a different man who happens to have the same name, or the Creators got their facts mixed up. Or Bree's and Gemma's mothers could both be around 150 years old. Hey, these are occultists we're talking about. You never know.

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