Thanks Gemma...

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Thanks Gemma... is the sixty-second video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


So, this is for Gemma, I know that you're trying to help and I completely understand, but I've trusted my parents my whole life and, if anything, what's happened lately has just made me trust them even more. It was very hard for me to tell my parents that I didn't want to go through with the ceremony and I'm sure it was even harder for them to admit that they were wrong but they did... and they also admitted that they shouldn't have been so blindly trusting of our deacons. My dad even said that he should have asked more questions about the shots he was giving me.

Most importantly, they reminded me that they loved me and they did everything because they wanted what was best for me. And if a person can admit that they were wrong and apologize, I'll forgive them -- especially if they're my parents.

As far as your friend Sam goes, I'm sorry about that, I mean, I guess I've struggled a bit when it comes to things with Daniel and my parents. Anyway, um, I think that my parents have been members of the community now for long enough that if they say that I don't have to do something then there'll be no discussion. I'm pretty sure of that.

So, uh, I appreciate the advice but I think that everything's going to be fine. But you should do more video blogs because they're cool. Bye.
