Horrid Flatmates

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Template:Blog3 Horrid Flatmates is the sixty-eighth video in the Lonelygirl15 video series.


Hi everyone! Bree, I haven't heard from you for a few days - hope everything's okay. Well, since it's quiet on your end, I thought we could talk about my life here. I guess the biggest culture shock ...flatmates. I mean the nicest people can turn into these nasty demon beasts. Not Danielbeasts mind you - real beasts. They're brilliant on nights out, but the next morning, they're utter nightmares.

[Gemma has a loud argument with herself, switching from standing over the bed, to lying on it]

And the food situation...that's just rubbish. I came home from Euny (spelling?) and found my biscuit tin empty. There was a trail of crumbs leading to my flatmate's room. And when i confronted her, she shrugged. I guess I need to put a padlock on the cupboard.