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Mission Name: Finding Out What Daniel and Bree's Dad Talked About

Faction: Resistance

People: Bree, Daniel, Dad

Description: Bree tries to figure out about what Daniel and her Dad talked about.

Successful?: Yes

Videos: What Did Daniel and Dad Talk About?, What Bree's Dad Said...

Mission Name: Taking Bree to the Party

Faction: Resistance

People: Bree, Daniel, Bree's Parents

Description: Daniel tries to take Bree to a party, but her parents are too stricked.

Successful?: Yes

Videos: I Want to Take Bree to a Party!, Should I Or Shouldn't I?, I'm Going to the Party!

Mission Name: Preparing For the Cermony

Faction: Resistance

People: Bree, Lucy, and Her Parents

Description: Bree tries to prepare for the party.

Successful?: No

Videos: My Helper, Zodiac of Denderah, The Ceremony Is Tomorrow :), I Completed The Ceremony, I Lied To Daniel, I Listened To Daniel,

Mission Name: Transmission OTS

Faction: The Order

People: Shadow vs. Bree, Daniel, Jonas, Watcher

Description: Shadow kidnaps BDJ in Vegas, Watcher shoots Shadow

Successful?: No

Videos: Subjects Apprehended, Psychological Torture, Communication Terminated