What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?

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What ever happened to that girl, Cassie? is the fifth video in the OpAphid video series. This was posted in response to This Is My Story Now.



Cloud with 5 rain lines


Declaration of Purity

21) I have judged hastily and harshly

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What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?

Lifted Audio

From Swimming! Not in original video order
Bree: Whatever happened to that girl, Cassie?
Everybody was so mean to her, you know?
Daniel: Why would you even bring---
Bree: I don't know what don’t worry about it - just forget about it.

Reversed Audio

--false youtube ending--
Profile of a girl lying on her back. Backwards audio and the film burns.

Hypocrisy, a lie is the true sister of evil, intorlerance and cruelty
A quote from Raisa M. Gorbachev

Companion Video by Watching Cassie

