Who's Next?

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Revision as of 01:02, 28 August 2007 by Sunflower (Talk | contribs) (Notes)

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Episode 0271/2x015
Who's Next?

0271 LaRezisto with notebook R! on screen.png
Yeah, we liked The Matrix, okay?

Blogger LaRezisto
Date Posted August 27th, 2007
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [13569 forum discussion]
Length 0:43
Description A picture is worth a thousand words...
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, and Greg Goodfried
Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried and Mesh Flinders
Production Assistant(s) Ian Schwartz
Director(s) Colin Hargraves
Camera Colin Hargraves
Vidplay Jan Libby and Marcello Daciano
Story Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, Jan Libby, and Greg Goodfried
Editor(s) Colin Hargraves
Music Supervisor Darren Boling
Music "Pris" by Darren Boling
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "A Family Affair"
Next none
Previous by LaRezisto "Way of the Gun"

Who's Next? is the two-hundred seventy-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the fifteenth video of season two. Who's Next? is the two-hundred seventy-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the fifteenth video of season two.


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The video contains a series of binary frames as well as a series of pop-upping characters.


All binary frames + plain text solution

LaRezisto said:
we know this file contains secrets about the order and the girls they seek. We must find the next girl. This card is heavily coded and time sensitive. Only the following could be removed at this point. watch closely. somewhere in these images is our girl.


As explained here:
Taking not the temporal occurance, but the two-dimensional position of the characters into account, the following "image" appears:

h t t p : /
/ w w w . f
l i c k r .
c o m / p h
o t o s / 1
1 6 9 8 5 2
2 @ n 0 7 ???????

Which, obviously, is a link to this Flickr account.


  • The name on the flickr account is nmahsjlcrowley