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Immant is a YouTube user that posted two videos before the ceremony that appear to be addressed to Bree. In the videos, he praises the addressee for her commitment to the "Order".

In the video See you at the ceremony... he seems to be claiming he will be at Bree's ceremony, and is shown wearing similar attire to the people in the video The Ceremony, before it came out. Also, in The Ceremony, Daniel films a bald man who perhaps bears some resemblance to Immant, but Immant claims in his "We do not wish to make enemies, only friends." video that while he was at the ceremony, he does not believe that he was spotted there by anyone. Since the Order of Denderah seems to be aware of Daniel's presence at the ceremony, they probably know about the video he took and who does and does not appear in it.

Later, in Bree's video "On the Run," we glimpse a bald man, who was probably the guy at the ceremony. We see his face this time, and he looks nothing like Immant.

On his blog, Immant mentions his acting experience. He is from New York state, making it less likely he was actually in Los Angeles to appear in the video.

In Immant's earlier videos, he used a protected mark of the religious organization OTO. His response to fan requests to remove the symbol has been reported as gracious and accomodating.

He later admitted just being a fan and actor and not related to the Creators.
