Dirty Secrets

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Episode 278/2x022
Dirty Secrets

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Blogger Daniel
Date Posted September 5th, 2007
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [13800 forum discussion]
Length 3:56
Description We've been waiting around for Sarah to show up with the serum. Just when you think things are looking up...
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas Jackson Davis
Emma Katherine Pawlak
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Previous "Grand Canyon"
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Previous by Daniel "Hot Date"

Dirty Secrets is the two-hundred seventy-eighth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the twenty-second video of season two. Dirty Secrets is the two-hundred seventy-eighth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the twenty-second video of season two.


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(The camera rests on a table, with a coffee maker in front of it.)

Daniel: That sucked. Here we go, ready? (He throws a bottle cap into the coffee maker.) Yeeaaahhh!

(Daniel and Jonas continue the game.)

Daniel: You cheated, dude.

Jonas: What? I was up there!

Daniel: Cheat...

Jonas: What? I was up there!

(Daniel and Jonas continue the game, both egging the other on.)

Daniel: You gonna flick that in?

(Jonas attempts to flick a bottle cap into the coffee maker, and misses.)

Daniel: (Laughs.) Jonas and I are just sitting around waiting for Sarah to bring the serum. We figured we're safest here. Taylor called, she swore that Sarah would make it here...And it's not like Sarah would flake on us, right? Noo, she doesn't do that! Emma, you wanna play?

(Camera cuts to Emma.)

Daniel: Yeah, no?

(Camera cuts back to Daniel.)

Daniel: I think she's watching like a 24-hour marathon on the web of the Gilmore Girls or something like that.

(Camera cuts to Emma.)

Daniel: But actually, I'm kinda glad because she's been asking a lot of questions about her mom and her dad.

(Camera cuts to Daniel and Jonas.)

Daniel: So whaddya think, we call it a tie? We did both win a round, dude. Come on.

Jonas: Yeah, but we played three rounds, man.

Daniel: Yeah...(To Emma) Hey!

Jonas: Where're you going?

Emma: I'm just going to go in my room.

Daniel and Jonas: Are you okay?

Daniel: Jinx! (Emma leaves.) Alright, we'll see you!

Jonas: You gonna call her?

Daniel: Who?

Jonas: Sarah.

Daniel: Hmph, no.

Jonas: Why not...You saw Taylor's last video man, the girl's a mess right now.

Daniel: Dude, I-I really, I just don't want to, I'm through with Sarah's nonsense. You know exactly how she is.

Jonas: Why?

Daniel: What do you mean, "Why?" Dude, you saw my last video. I'm kind of seeing somebody right now. The talks we have, ousta-

(A scream is heard in the distance.)
