Jessica Lee Rose

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Jessica Lee Rose (born April 26, 1987) is the actress that plays the character of Bree in the Lonelygirl15 video series. The discovery that Bree was played by Jessica prompted The Creators to come forward and tell their story.

Pre LG15

Closing credit from "Unleash the Fury"
Originally from Salisbury, Maryland, much of her upbringing was in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. Jessica attended Mount Maunganui College there from 2000-2001, then was homeschooled while attending an acting class at Studio 111 in Auckland.

In January 2004 at 16 years old Jessica moved to Auckland to study makeup at 'The Academy of Film & Television Makeup' while continuing her once a week acting classes. At some point during 2004 she signed with the Clyne Modelling Agency and starred in the student short film Dearly Beloved. Her goal out of makeup school was to work with Peter Jackson, which she achieved in December when she worked on King Kong as an extras makeup artist for a week.

After Jessica's parents divorced in 2004, Jessica moved to Salisbury, MD in May 2005 to stay with her father while saving for school. She soon enrolled in the New York Film Academy at Universal Studios in Burbank, California. While at NYFA, she had roles in several student productions. She starred in Unleash The Fury (along with classmate and friend Amy Aitken) and "In The Deep".

Child of Anchor Cove

Jessica was living in Los Angeles, after graduating from NYFA in April 2006, and looking for work as an actress when she found a listing for an independent film project called The Children of Anchor Cove on Craigslist. She was one of about 80 actresses that auditioned for the lead part. After two callbacks, she was offered the role of Bree.

Jessica was asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement and was told that the project would consist of a series of videos released over the Internet. She was intially disappointed, hesitant, and almost turned down the project. In film school, actresses were warned to be on the lookout for scams, but she felt she had little to lose and after looking at YouTube and other video blogs she became more comfortable with the project.

She was originally not being paid for the project but as lonelygirl15 became more popular she and co-star Yousef Abu-Taleb received a salary so they would not have to work as waiters to support themselves.

Photography and LG15 Related Appearances

Jessica's MySpace has a lot of pictures from Hailstone Photography.

She was photographed by Wired Magazine for it's December, 2006 article.

Jessica appeared on the Tonight Show to reveal to the public that the project was fictional. She also appeared in an interview with MTV News the same week.

On December 3, 2006 Jessica appeared on VH1's Big in 06 awards. She sparked some light controversy after saying to "Big Web Hit Award" presenter Jenna Jameson that "We should make a video together sometime". It is widely known that Jameson is a major pornography star.

External links