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Line 120: Line 120:
* Daniel has a case of [[cap]] fever.
* Daniel has a case of [[cap]] fever.
* Sarah and Taylor reveal that their father is an undertaker.
* Sarah and Taylor reveal that their father is an undertaker.
* Inaudible is something like "the ? must have done him in"
* [[Aleister Crowley]]'s last name is misspelled in the Youtube tags.
* [[Aleister Crowley]]'s last name is misspelled in the Youtube tags.

Revision as of 03:26, 24 July 2008

Episode 527/3x117
In the Closet

Allegedly? I think not!

Blogger Jennie
Date Posted July 23rd, 2008
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [18149 forum discussion]
Length 3:12
Description You'll never believe what we found. What now?
Location(s) Sarah and Taylor's dad's house
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 jonastko jonas danielbeast daniel hymn of one order aleister crowly
Jonas Jackson Davis
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Taylor Becki Kregoski
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Shaken Up"
Next none
Previous by Jennie "Hidden Treasures"

In the Closet is the five-hundred twenty-seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the one-hundred seventeenth video of season three.


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(Shot opens with Jonas walking down a street of a gated community. He chuckles while looking at the camera. The camera then turns and Daniel is seen. Ahead of him are Sarah and Taylor, embracing each other and walking.)

Daniel: They may not be the best of friends but... at least they'll always be sisters.

(The camera zooms in to Sarah and Taylor. The two turn around and stick their tongues out at Daniel. Jennie laughs from behind the camera.)

Daniel: Ha! On second thought, those two are nothing but trouble.

(Sarah and Taylor start laughing with each other and the camera quickly pans downward. Cut to the camera panning downward from the sky onto the group with Taylor leading the way. Jonas runs up to Taylor and embraces her.)

Jonas: Hey. So how you holding up?

Taylor: Better now that you guys are here.

Jonas: Ah, here! Well, speaking of here, where are we exactly? You know what? Actually, never mind that. Why don't you just (points to camera) tell our viewers at home what we've won for a long, long drive across country.

Taylor: (Laughs) Well, Jonas, you've won the very exciting opportunity to commit yet another felony to add that long list of felonies you guys have racked up lately. Seriously though, we're at my dad's place.

Jonas: Ohh, I see! A little old breaking and entering. Well, actually, that's- (points to Daniel with both fingers and the camera pans to him) that's my man DB's department, huh? (Taylor laughs)

Daniel: (Puts cap on) Let's do this.

(Daniel tries to jump over the gate. He gets on top of it and Taylor opens it with the latch.)

Jonas: Ooh.

Sarah: Yeah.

Daniel: Oh.

Taylor: (Laughs) Hold on there!

Daniel: I knew that.

(Daniel, Taylor, and Jonas walk through the gate. Jonas stops at the gate and addresses Jennie.)

Jonas: After you, m'lady.

(The group walks into the house.)

Taylor: Home sweet home!

Sarah: I got the kitchen!

Taylor: I'll have the basement.

Jonas: Kay, I guess I'll take the back area.

Taylor: Don't break anything guys!

(Daniel walks over to the back door and checks outside.)

Sarah: You know what? I don't see anything in here!

Jennie: Oh.

Sarah: There's nothing in the kitchen.

(Jennie pulls back a curtain and films outside the window.)


Jennie: Anybody?

Jonas: Hey, guys! Guys, back here! I found something! (The group runs to Jonas)

Daniel: What is it man?

Jonas: I don't know, it's locked. Everybody stand back.

Sarah: Wait, n-n-no. What are you doing?

Daniel: What?

Sarah: He'll know we were here!

!!! This Transcript Is Incomplete !!!
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  • Daniel has a case of cap fever.
  • Sarah and Taylor reveal that their father is an undertaker.
  • Aleister Crowley's last name is misspelled in the Youtube tags.