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This page discusses the deacons as portrayed directly in the video series as a group. For information on the user named "The Deacons" that left comments after several of the videos, see The Deacons (commenter). For information on the individual deacon who was clearly seen in videos, see Deacon (individual).

Bree mentions the deacons of her religion for the first time in I Talked To My Parents. She also mentioned the Elders in I Completed The Ceremony, but whether "Elders" is synonymous with "Deacons" is still unclear. It might be a different title altogether. The deacons of Bree's religion are mysterious characters and even Bree knows little about them. They hold great sway in the community, recruiting Bree for an exclusive ceremony without even allowing her parents to attend. When Bree's parents approached them to ask that Bree not complete the ceremony, the deacons refused to allow it. Bree and her parents were concerned by that develoment, which is another indication of their authority in the community, as it seems that the deacons can order a couple to blindly trust them with their only child. In On The Run, a deacon is seen escorting Bree's parents from their house. Bree identifies him as one of the deacons from The Ceremony.

A deacon is commonly known as a role in the Christian Church which is generally associaed with service of some kind.<ref>Wikipedia article "Deacon"</ref> However, the term "deacon" is not exclusively Christian. "In Scots language, the title deacon is used for head-workman, a master or chairman of a trade guild, or one who is adept, expert, and proficient. The Trm deaconry refers to the office of a deacon or the trade guild unders a deacon."<ref>Secular usage of "deacon"</ref> Some of the ritual traditions of the guilds<ref>Wikipedia article "Guild"</ref> were conserved in other organizations, such as the Freemasons.

"Deacon" is also a title in the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica<ref>Wikipedia article "Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica"</ref> (EGC), the ecclesiastical arm of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). OTO is an international fraternal initiatory organization devoted to promulgating the Law of Thelema.

