Aleister Crowley (video)

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(Daniel is sitting at his desk, looking tired; he repeatedly rubs his eyes throughout the video)

Daniel: I have been...on my computer for way too long. I didn't sleep last night, I was just...up. Some things Bree said in her last video got me thinking and...I been doing research. First up, Denderah. So, it turns out the Temple she's talking about is a temple to Hathor. Hathor was a Goddess of all women, no matter their station in life. She was a goddess of fertility and she was associated with the flooding of the Nile. She...was a Godddess of joy, motherhood, love... Ugh, this is getting me nowhere.

(musical montage of Daniel reading and rubbing his eyes)

So, someone in the forum reminded me about the Aleister Crowley Bree's room. I Googled "Aleister Crowley" and "Hathor" together. Crowley translated Hathor to mean "mother of light". He considered her to be both sun and moon goddess and honored her so much that he named one of his Tarot cards after her. This gets really weird. To Crowley, Hathor represented the sun and the passage from east to west through the sky. It goes on to describe a ritual that he designed to honor her. A person was to walk in a straight line, stopping to face the east at one end, and then walk back the way they had come and stop to face the west. I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into this. You guys tell me, I've been up for like, 14 hours straight.

(musical montage of Daniel reading, rubbing his eyes)

So...I just came across this article...1943...from a small town in Arizona. It's a bout a girl that had been abducted. And the wierd thing is it mentions Aleister Crowley. He uh... He had this house in town, and it was right around that time when the disappearance happaned. But nothing ever came of it, because...he went back to England before they could even investigate. Bree, I don't know, I just... Look, I know you don't trust me at all right now, but... I need more time! This ceremony, it's coming up too soon.