She Lost A Lot Of Blood

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Revision as of 16:22, 12 February 2008 by Shiori (Talk | contribs) (Transcript: - this one needed some work, and was so not complete)

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Episode 411/3x001
She Lost A Lot Of Blood

Who knew Ladies' Night would end so badly?

Blogger Daniel
Date Posted February 11th, 2008
Forum [16115 forum discussion]
Length 1:43
Description Emma was so brave. I hope she is alright.
Location(s) Porter's hospital
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 emma jonastko danielbeast order jennie
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Jonas Jackson Davis
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
Gina Crystal Young
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "Bloodlines: Part 4"
Next none
Previous by Daniel "Lost & Found"
Directly after "I'm Soooo Gullible!!!"

She Lost A Lot Of Blood is the four-hundred eleventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the first video of season three. She Lost A Lot Of Blood is the four-hundred eleventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the first video of season three.


Jonas: RUN!!!

(Jonas and Emma are running down a stairway in Dr. William Porter's hospital. Emma is in front of Jonas, who is filming. They reach a set of doors and go outside to jump over a brick wall and run onto the front lawn. Jonas pants. Jonas films some of the windows on Porter's hospital. Gunshots are heard.)

Jonas: Emma!

(Emma is seen in front of Jonas, lying on the field. She was presumably shot.)

Jonas: Emma! Oh God! Oh God!

(Jonas sets the camera down on the grass as he picks Emma up off the ground.)

Jonas: Are you okay? You're okay, you're okay. I'm gonna get you out of here. I'll get you out of here!

(Jonas runs away to a car which pulls up in front of the camera. More gunshots are heard.)

Sarah: Daniel, let's go!

Jonas: Daniel, where the hell-?

(Daniel appears in front of the camera, grabs it, and runs over to the car.)

Daniel: Go on!

Jonas: Get her in, get her in!

Sarah: Hurry up! Come on!

Jonas: Go, go, go, go!

(Jonas, Emma, Sarah, and Daniel get in the car. Jennie is driving and Sarah is in the passenger seat.)

Jennie: Is she okay?

Daniel: Just drive.

Jennie: What happened?

Daniel: Jennie, drive.

Jennie: Alright, okay.

Sarah: Daniel, what happened? Is everything okay?

Jennie: Is Emma okay?

Emma: Jonas...

Jonas: Just get us the hell out of here, please!

Gina: Yeah, go!

Jennie: I don't know where to go.

Sarah: Turn! Turn!

Jonas: GO!!

Sarah: Here. Turn.

Jonas: You're fine. Emma, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be alright.

(Cut to Daniel filming Jennie and Jonas in what appears to be the same location from Running For Life.)

Jennie: I'm just trying-

Jonas: That is not helping! Why don't you just keep your mouth shut and let me handle this like I always do?

Jennie: But you're not handling it!!

Jonas: I'm handling it right now!

Jennie: No, you're not! You're just sitting here when we should be taking Emma to a hospital, Jonas!

Jonas: You can't take her to a hospital! Okay, the Order's gonna be looking for her everywhere.

Jennie: She has lost so much blood! We can't just leave her in the back of the car like that!

Jonas: She killed an Elder! Okay?! You weren't there! Get back in the car!!

(Cut to Gina stroking Emma's hair in the back seat of the car. Jennie is seen walking away. Cut to Daniel sitting outside.)

Daniel: Hey, guys. I guess you're all probably wondering what happened with me. I mean, why I left Emma behind with Dr. Hart. Look, Emma wouldn't leave. I tried to grab her. But Dr. Hart had a plan - to kill William Porter; to save both girls. And Emma wanted to fight. She knew the risks, and still she wanted to fight. And she won.
