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Gemma cast.jpg
First Appearance Last Appearance
Nut Kills Man {{{last}}}
Character information
Age 19
YouTube Gemmers19
Portrayed by Jackie Jandrell
List of Gemma's blogs
Videos with Gemma

Plot Background

Gemma (username Gemmers19) is a friend of Bree's from when she lived in Nottinghamshire. Bree was particularly good friends with Gemma's dog, as revealed in Mysteries of My Past... REVEALED! Gemma has said that her parents are members of Bree's religion and this forced her to move to London.

Gemma's mother and Bree's mother met in college, after Bree's mother became angry in a discussion revolving around the philosopher David Hume. She also taught Bree a game called Nut Kills Man, a fictional variation on "Rock, Paper, Scissors."

Gemma has made several videos talking about her life in London. Fans speculate that Gemma's monologues about her life in London are coded commentary/advice for Bree's situation. She has given Bree advice about her situation toward the religion. Gemma has said it's hard for her to live away from the community.

In Learning Egyptian, Gemma claims that Bree's religion is not a Thelemic religion at all but a Secret Society called The Order.

The videos show Gemma's flat in London.


The English name Gemma comes from the Italian name Gemma, which derives from Latin gemma, meaning "jewel."

Gemma is also one of two names for the star Alpha Coronae Borealis (also known as Alphecca). Its name Gemma derives from the star's central placement in the constellation Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown). This connection raises possible links to Bree's fascination with astronomy and to the connections between Bree's religion and astrology (see Denderah).

External Links