Investigating Gemma - NBR 7

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NBR Episode NBR7
Investigating Gemma - NBR 7

Let's see... Gemma Chen? Gemma Sanchez? Those are British names, right?

Blogger Nikki Bower
Date Posted December 18th, 2006
Description I got an anonymous tip that led me to Gemma's house.
YouTube Tags nikkibowerreport gemmers19 lonelygirl15 tachyon stakeout
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Investigating Gemma - NBR 7 is the seventh video in the NIkki Bower Report series. It was posted in response to Gemma? [Part III].


(Nikki is standing by a tree, wearing sunglasses. She takes them off.)

Nikki: It's me! Nikki B.! I'm sleuthing! (Puts sunglasses back on.) I'm being undercover because there is a lot to investigate this week. The forum is bustling... lots going on... particularly about Gemma. Who is this Gemma person? Apparently, now she's working for the order. Megawoman and Inigo have called upon (points at herself) yours truly to find out where Gemma resides. (Sunglasses back on.) But LA is a huge place. How does one go about finding one person in a sea of millions? I was lucky enough to get an anonymous message that gave me the ZIP Code of where Gemma is residing. I don't know if it was from Tachyon herself or one of her cohorts, but it did tell me a ZIP Code, and I'm gonna take that piece of information and (makes running motion with hands) run wild with it. Our friend Nancy Drew tells us: (reads from book) "When you want to know if and where a location exists in a state, simply call the state capital. Yeah! That's what I did. I picked up the phone, I dialled Sacramento and, bada-bing-bada-boom, here I am. (Gestures theatrically while cameara pans up to show a building.)

(Nikki is standing in front of the stairs leading up to the building entrance.)

Nikki: Here we are at Gemma's building, thanks to my local Congressman. Now this is the place where we saw Gemma with Lucy. I'm gonna go up there and see if we can find Gemma herself. Come on! (Gestures to camera.)



  • Though Nikki stated she discovered the location of Gemma's zipcode by calling her her local Congressman in Sacramento. Congressmen are federal officials however, and so operate out of the nation's capitol rather than the state capital. She would have been calling her state representative, if anyone, if she did indeed call Sacramento (though a mapquest search for the zipcode would have turned up the location much easier!)