my lonesome update for early November

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opadolf Video 13
my lonesome update for early November

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Blogger Blitzyon
Date Posted November 8th, 2007
Description i haven't been able to get on the computer lately, however I did find the time to write!
YouTube Tags margotiswatching lonelyjew 15 Opadolf Opaphid lonelygirl15 daniel beast jonasTKO cassie parody video blog
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Directly after "Sisters Are Forever"
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my lonesome update for early November is the thirteenth video in the OpAdolf component to the LonelyJew15 video series.


Text: I have been out of contact. Yes, I've been busy.

i've been so busy trying to keep up with my school life, i haven't been able to do anything I had hoped.

I learned my lesson: Keeping my grades up is very time consuming. It keeps you on your toes.

Luckily, I think i've been able to clear this phase of the race, considering I knocked down the net, the kid with the moustache won't be able to finish now...

But it has taken A LOT longer than I thought it would take. i haven't been able actually...visit my little friend in the nurse's station.

I've thought over it a lot. My only explanation? I haven't fully embraced my studies. Not as much as i should have.

It just seems like such a long time has passed. Didn't we originally think that we'd be on fall break by mid-October?

I now have this sinking suspicion that i'll be here for a few more quarters. Maybe even until mid-terms.

I worry about my short comings in gym. I'm not sure which place i'm in. I think i am closer to the goal. And i am being given rewards, which i appreciate!

For instance, i've had more access to the dance hall than i had before.

At least that bodes well for the chance I'll be able to dance the polka!

But there were event I want to catch this month Unfortunately I don't think i can.

I hope my studies will be a good distraction. Latin? Good stuff.

But still, it's not what I had hoped to do that night.

I was surprised though: the other kids were gossiping about it! Someone else with a similar interest started a rumor.

The quality was poor, but it made up for the knowledge i lacked. I wasn't sure what to make of it, actually.

It was a bit silly! Even though I probably built it up way too much in my head.

Now I'm thinking that maybe it wasn't what I have predicted. Since they're teenagers, it's probably not true.

In fact maybe that event will never take place. I don't know what to think from what i've heard.

But strangely, I don't see how things CAN change. Maybe it's just that my classes are pretty much the same.

i am living the same life i have been. I really thought i would have a different view point on things. But it's all just the same.

I expect to have my computer time limited in the oncoming weeks. Considering the net thing.

It seems other clubs are given priority over what i am working on, and I am not sure if i can even see what those projects are...exactly.

i am not allowed to participate in clubs of interest, only smaller projects. I find it dull, but at least i am not being bullied.

Please tell Mom and Dad that I am sorry for not writing. i lost my address book and it had their address in it (coded of course, but still)

I miss you all! With any luck, I will see you for fall break! OXOX, B
