Paranoid Much?

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Episode 5/1x005
Paranoid Much?

Do you... not know how to turn the camera off?

Blogger Daniel
Date Posted October 13th, 2016
Length 1:34
Description What happened to Spencer?



A very rough eight years happened to him, Daniel.


YouTube Tags lg15 lonelygirl15 danielbeast denderah imwatchingyou
Emma Katherine Pawlak
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Spencer Maxwell Glick
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Paranoid Much? is the fifth video in the LG15: Anchor Cove video series.


(Emma claps her hands in front of the camera in imitation of a clapperboard.)

Daniel: (mumbling off camera) Okay cool.

(Emma sits in silence for a moment, looking around her.)

Emma: So, we went to that house and it had Spencer in it, and he obviously wasn't having it-

(Cut to footage of Daniel and Spencer outside of Spencer's hideout.)

Emma: Oh my god.

Spencer: (shakes his head) No.

Daniel: Spenc-

Spencer: (slamming the gate shut) No.

Daniel: Spencer!

Spencer: No.

Daniel: Dude, what are you doing here?! (Pulls himself up onto the gate in order to see over the fence.)

Spencer: How did you- no, I- How did you know I was here?! (Holds hand up to motion Daniel away, continuing to sputter.)

Daniel: Spencer wait. N- I just wanna talk to you for a second!

Spencer: (Going back inside the house) No, never.

(Daniel continues to shout as Spencer closes the door. Cut back to Emma in the park.)

Emma: We're here because he reached out to Daniel on Snapchat and he wants to meet.

(Daniel holds up his hand from behind the camera and gives a thumbs up sign. Emma grins.)

Emma: So we're gonna meet him.

(Cut back to outside Spencer's hideout. Daniel and Emma drop down off the gate.)

Daniel: What the?

Emma: Oh my god. (Daniel looks back over the gate) You have to get in there.

Daniel: (yelling over the gate) Dude, come on man!

(After a moment, Daniel leans off the fence, turns back to Emma, and walks towards her.)

Daniel (making a cutting motion with his hand) Cut it.

(Cut back to Emma in the park.)

Daniel: Where is he anyway?

Emma: (still looking around) I'm expecting, like, some... (hand motion)

(Jump cut to Emma looking down at the ground.)

Emma: I'm just gonna chill for a sec.

Daniel: Yep.

(Cut to a shot of Spencer in the distance walking toward them from another part of the park.)

Daniel: There he is.

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