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Character information
Age Unknown
Portrayed by Jessi Williams

Videos with Lucy

Lucy appears to be a high-ranking member of the Order of Denderah, who was introduced to Bree by her parents and aided her in preparing for her mysterious ritual. Later in the series, Lucy appears to turn on Bree and her family.

Lucy is first seen in the video Who Is This? In that video and others she is wearing a black suit and sunglasses in a manner similar to The Deacons and The Watchers. She is first named in My Helper, when Bree explains that Lucy is helping her prepare. Her exact role in the Order is unknown.

In the first video Bree posted after her ceremony she said that Lucy had been sent away by the elders (presumably to help their group in some other way) but that she was very helpful during the ceremony by holding Bree's hand. It was later revealed that Bree was lying and Lucy had not left.

Lucy lives in an apartment complex, as we see when Daniel breaks into her apartment. While in the house, Daniel discovers that she has pictures of him on her computer, and therefore knows he has been following her and Bree.

Lucy was present in the video On The Run, along with a Deacon, leading Bree's parents away. In the video 45 Seconds Jonas describes a woman who sounds like Lucy who was present at the murder of Bree's father.

Some fans have pointed out that the name Lucy is similar to Lucifer. Both names are derived from the Latin word lux, meaning light. (The -fer of Lucifer comes from another Latin root which means to carry. Thus, the name Lucifer means "light carrier" or "light bearer".)