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Revision as of 23:39, 26 February 2007 by OwenIsCool (Talk | contribs)

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In Phoenician, 'pe' is symolic of a mouth, if that's helpful to anyone interpreting the two-legged watcher symbol. --Brucker 17:31, 26 February 2007 (CST)

Thanks, Brucker. Maybe it's what they send you to warn you of impending doom. Like that mark that was put on Jack Sparrow's hand when he was cursed (Pirates of the Caribbean... II, I think). I don't want to update any more until they come up with something definite on the forum though. From the looks of it now they've found microwriting in the images...
This article is starting to get pretty long, and if the microwriting stuff proves relevant, it'd get even longer. Any suggestions on how I could divide it up in a logical way? Not that I'd do it right away, just if it becomes necessary.
OwenIsCool 17:39, 26 February 2007 (CST)