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Revision as of 21:30, 18 April 2007 by XAccordianGuyx (Talk | contribs)

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My name's Nick...chances are you don't know me from the forum...I rarely post (I'm still a huge fan of LG though).

I like LG15 because it's got drama, comedy, action, and just a dash of romance lol. My fav character is Jonas because I think he's funny and he does most of the cool stuff that makes LG fun to watch (like punching a watcher for instance lol). My LG crush is Gemma...because she is HOT. YAY FOR LONELYGIRL15! YAY I SAY! YAAAYY!

JonasMini.gif This user's favorite lg15 character is Jonas.
OtherMonkeySmall.JPG This user loves The Other Monkey, even if Bree doesn't.
Watcher symbol.JPG This user keeps an eye out for Watchers, just in case.
Nikkibowerheadshot.jpg This user gets their news from The Nikki Bower Report.
Renblod.jpg This user would rather drink eggnog than reindeer blood.
C'mawn babay ah'll sang u a sawng! This user really wanted to hear P. Monkey sing Bree a song.
0070-GemmaEgyptian.jpg This user's lg15 crush is Gemma.
GemmaRaisonDEtre.jpg This user is irritated by unpatched plot holes.
IceCream.jpg This user's favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate chip cookie dough.