A Necessary Response

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HSAO Video 1 - 47
A Necessary Response

Ms Kelly A Necessary Response.jpg
Oh, come on!

Blogger Ms. Kelly
Date Posted March 25th, 2007
URL youtube.com
Description Because I have been so busy with my own affairs, I seemed to have lost track of your peer Bree, students. Well, after viewing some of her recent adventures, I just had to respond for the good of everyone.
YouTube Tags mskelly hsa shameful sincity response lonelygirl15

Music Atonements by Jan Bruijn and Passacaglio -Martini- by Music Box Archives 18
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Next "How Do You Seek?"

A Necessary Response is the forty-seventh video put up by Ms. Kelly of The Homeschoolers Aggregate.


(Close up of Ms. Kelly's eye.)

Oh come on. No she didn't.

(Shot of a person typing a URL into a web browser.)

Phillip, I'm trying to get some rest. I'm here, I'm in bed.

(Revolving planet, caption: HSA: A Necessary Response)

Ms. Kelly: I'll turn it off when I'm ready to fall asleep.

(Shot of web browser, then back to Ms. Kelly's face.)

Ms. Kelly: No, you can't even imagine.

(Shot of lonelygirl15.com.)

Ms. Kelly: I've just been so wrapped up in my own affairs I didn't even notice.

(Shot of [Google] with the words "For Your Eyes Only!" typed in the search box.)

No, I've been silent for too long. It's almost like they're taunting me.

(Shot of Google search results.)

Ms. Kelly: Like they're provoking me by flaunting their shameful, immoral acts. How can I remain silent?

(Shot of Ms. Kelly's face)

You remember them:

Ms. Kelly: Oh everyone's favorite Gum John(?) the Exhibitionists are into capadreats (?).

(Shot of Bree sitting in Jonas's study.)

Bree: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

(Shot of web browser.)

Ms. Kelly: Just more ludacris behavior.

(Shot of LG15.com)

(Shot of snow with the words "D Bone was here I love Bree!" written in yellow.)

Ms. Kelly: Oh great, outdoor urination and taping it. It's nearly pornographic! I don't know, some ghetto way to take in a few Nancy Drew books.

(Shot of web browser.)

Ms. Kelly: You can't blame them, they're really good mysteries.

(Close up of Ms. Kelly's face.)

Ms. Kelly: What I don't understand is with all their criminal experience, they're going to break into a simple home office.

(Cut to a shot of Jonas's bloody hand.)

Ms. Kelly: I would rather stick that than a gash in the paw.

(Shot of a Veterinarian Bill. The name of the pet reads "Fido," the species reads "dogboy," the services provided reads "stitches to left hand-paw," and the services offered reads "flea dip and grooming for three".)

Ms. Kelly: Well, I just hope some grooming and a flea dip was part of the veterinarian treatment plan.

(Shot of a web browser.)

(Shot of two silhouettes participating in karate. The screen reads "Welcome to Camp Tachyon #5 Where learning to kick ass is the order of the day!")

Ms. Kelly: Oh, Phillip. Don't be so close-minded. Why can't men understand that sometimes a woman needs to forget her life and go on a camping holiday with a gal-pal.

(Shot of two girls walking down a street. Shot of two girls lying on rafts in bikinis in a pool.)

Ms. Kelly: They need girl time!

(Shot of a web browser.)

Ms. Kelly: But see, I'm more concerned about the hot pants and flanel combo a truckstop.

(Shot of LG15.com)

(Shot of Jonas in a car. Shot of Bree walking up to the car.)

Ms. Kelly: I don't know about that Phillip. "So guys, pick me up at the truck stop. I'll be the one in the Daisy Dukes practicing my scissor splits."

(Shots of Las Vegas.)

Ms. Kelly: I don't know, I'm beside myself. I'm not suprised that they end up in the Devil's playground. Sin City. With all the talk of "Spinners" and other co-ed activities, please. Oh, it's an exciting city, but what are they, on an assignment from "Vacation Travel Today" magazine? I'm glad you think it's an incredible water show, but they have undead parents to locate and videos to upload. Sleeping arrangments? I can only imagine how our little menage will solve this quandry.

(Shot of Bree getting into a bed.)

Ms. Kelly: Oh, I'm sure someone will sleep in a tub. Nobody's going to tie anybody up. You can't real blame them. You never know when you'll be faced with a situation where tying someone up will really come in handy. I don't know. Perhaps someone will get kidnapped before lights out. Free up a bed space.


(Revolving planet, caption: HSA: A Necessary Response)

Ms. Kelly: Maybe Jonas will curl up at the foot of the bed like a good dog.

(Shot of Ms. Kelly's face.)

Ms. Kelly: Phillip, I'm ready for bed now. Wanna get the light?

(Shot of a light bulb burning out.)

Ms. Kelly: Thank you.

Sweet dreams, kids.
