Crazy Emo Chick

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Revision as of 16:47, 2 May 2007 by (Talk) (Transcript)

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Episode 0184/1x184
Crazy Emo Chick


Blogger Bree
Date Posted May 1st, 2007
Forum [9634 forum discussion]
Length 1:29
Description We got a message from Taylor to go and meet her. When we showed up, it wasn't exactly what we expected. Taylor wasn't there, but we were "introduced" to her sister Sarah.
Bree Jessica Lee Rose
Jonas Jackson Davis
Daniel Yousef Abu-Taleb
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
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Crazy Emo Chick is the one-hundred eighty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. Crazy Emo Chick is the one hundred eighty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


Bree: No surprise, Jonas got us lost. Now we're here, it's ten in the a-m, we've got a girl to save, people to see and… what do you know. Sleeps-a-lot and snore-factory are still sleeping. 'To Jonas and Daniel' Wake up!

Daniel: 'groans'

'Bree tries to wake up Jonas'

Jonas: 'half asleep' Get me a coffee and some pancakes.

Bree: I'm not your slave.

'Cut to Jonas holding the camera'

Jonas: Bree's in the shower. Thank God because… she's like the mother bird some times, you know? Like "Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!" 'Daniel throws a pillow at Jonas' "Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!"

Daniel: Can we just get our own room next time?

Jonas: 'Gives Daniel the thumbs up'

'Cut to Bree in the bathroom'

Bree: So I got an email from Taylor. She asked us to meet her and her sister at the park. So after we get ready we're going to meet them. I'm a little bit nervous

'Cut to the park'

Bree: It looks like no one's here. 'To Jonas' Did you find anything?

Jonas: 'Pointing to a trash can' I found a Happy Meal. French fries are still good.

Bree: What do we do?

Jonas: I don't know I'm just gonna keep lookin. Maybe I can find a soft drink!

Bree: Are you sure this is the place?

Jonas: I don't know this is the only park around, so I don't know.

'Cut to the bleachers. Daniel is walking to the camera with her hands up. A blonde girl is behind him.'

Bree: Oh my God!

Daniel: She's got a gun! Don't Bree! Get back!

Bree: What do we do—

Blond Girl: Turn off the camera!

Daniel: Do what she says! Shut it—

Blonde Girl: Turn off the camera!

Daniel: Turn it off!

'Cut to Blonde Girl sitting on the bleachers, laughing'

Bree: Tell them what you did.

Blonde Girl: I pretended this 'holds up lipstick' was a gun, and held it up to Daniel's back.

Bree: 'Turning the camera to Daniel' And what do you think of that? Daniel?

'Daniel stares at the camera angrily, but says nothing. Cut to Daniel in the middle of the park.'

Daniel: Who is this girl? The first time I meet her she shoves

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  • The pattern in Daniel's boxers is technically not the English Flag (The flag of St. George) but the British Union Jack.