What Happened Today Part 1

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What Happened Today Part 1 is the first video in the Maddison Atkins video series.


Adam: Ooh... light balance. (Zooms in on two sheets of white paper, then zooms out and focuses on a stairwell) Alright... let's see. I'll just... (Quick shot of video color test bar) Oh, how about that? Hmm... auto-focus. Well, this isn't much different than the Canons. Wow, cool. 20-14.

(Maddison walks up the stairs with her head down.)

Adam: Hey.

Maddison: Oh. (Looks up) Hey. Sorry, I'm late, are you ready?

Adam: Yeah.

(Maddison does a double take, then begins to walk down the stairs)

Maddison: Are you filming?

Adam: No, I was just... checking out some features.

Maddison: Stop wasting tape!

Adam: (Sarcastically) Hah. Wasting tape.

(Cuts to them in the car. Maddison is driving.)

Maddison: Guess it doesn't matter where we shoot it. We could shoot the sequence in front of any azalea bush... or tree. Is it called a tree?

Adam: I dunno.

Maddison: Whatever. There's millions of them on campus. We could just go to one of those garden trails around here.

Adam: The arber-ee... thingy.

Maddison: Yeah, the arboretum (Nodding)

Adam: Cool. So, what are you going to wear? (Mumbles)

Maddison: What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Adam: Uh, it has to be a news segment. It should be somewhat professional, right?

Maddison: All my clothes are like this. I don't have anything professional. I thought this was gonna work.

Adam: Take a right up here.

Maddison: A right? (Looks at camera) Is that thing on?

Adam: No.

(Musical montage. Focuses on right turn signal, then on stack of CDs. Cuts to dice hanging from rear-view mirror, then a blinking red traffic light. Cuts to inside a department store. Maddison looks through clothes racks and tries on a variety of "professional" looking clothes. She finally settles on a light purple jacket and a black skirt. Adam turns off the camera.)
