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OpAphid is a YouTube based (for now) ARG in which OpAphid (Operation Aphid) is recruiting “the worthy” for a future conflict.


OpAphid first appeared with the video You Made the Right Choice, Bree! in response to Bree’s My Difficult Decision video. OpAphid has since posted comments and videos to Bree, Cassie (Cassieiswatching) and Daniel. These are generally warnings, some nicer than others, that insinuate that OpAphid is connected to Bree’s religion and that Cassie and Daniel should watch their step.

OpAphid’s Modus Operandi

OpAphid’s videos are layered to say the least. There is the surface message of the written and spoken text, the deep meaning of the text and then the text and audio that takes homework (ex. Backwards audio and hieroglyphs).
In addition to the custom logo, at the end of each video there is a false ending which appears as if the video has ended and gone to the related video links but then returns to the real video again before ending.
OpAphid uses video tags that often match Bree's or Cassie's.


OpAphid has taken credit for gamejacking Cassie's voice mailbox. Evidence in the video, Cassie Does Not R.I.P. (Rest In Peace) proves she had the passcode, and complete control of the mailbox.


The Set of Five

Five videos were released as a series (Everyone Hates Cassie: What a poor, lonely girl., They Attack Cassie! Is Daniel next? He crossed the line., What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?, Cassie is Lying, Cassie Tells Lies, Cassie Does Not R.I.P. (Rest In Peace)). This series featured the same pattern of text and sound.

The same music is used through out the set.
In the bottom right, hieroglyphs appear and fade out.
The same video, with different coloration, appear in each.
Letters fall into place below the face that are statements of guilt. (This is also spoken)
A word, written in dots of light, scrolls across the screen.
We hear audio from Bree or Cassie videos.
A key Cassie phrase appears over the girl’s head.
The scrolling word from before then scrolls back the other way.
A false youtube ending.
OpAphid's logo with backwards audio.

The last three have slight variants on this theme and are discussed more thoroughly in their pages.

Upon the release of Cassie Does Not R.I.P. (Rest In Peace) we were told that we had our set of five videos and had to "find purity in the order".

The first step was the hieroglyphs that were at the beginning of the five Cassie videos. Each video had hieroglyphic numbers that were fractions. The football means fraction with assumed numerator 1. The lines are 1s. The sideways symbol is 1/2. The union symbol (upsidedown u) is 10.

The fractions when added and reduced become 1/5, 2/5 and so on which gives us this video order which was later verified by the bug herself.
Whatever Happened to That Girl, Cassie
Cassie Does Not R.I.P.
Cassie is Lying, Cassie Tells Lies
Everyone Hates Cassie
They Attack Cassie

The further analysis was with regards to the words infront of the face. These lines are admissions of guilt that are a twist on the 42 Declarations of Innocence (AKA the 42 Declarations of Purity) that are associated with the Egyptian Goddess Ma'at (Goddess of Truth, Balance and Order).

When the fractions are used to put the videos in order the declarations appear as

I have judged hastily and harshly
I have acted with guile and insolence
I have beared false witness and supported false allegations
I have taken god's name in vain
I have been unduly proud and acted with arrogance

When you look up the declarations you can find the corresponding numbers

If you called Cassie in her game then the numbers 213 set off little bells of glee. When 213 814 2839 is called it leads to an outgoing voice mail message which WatchingCassie has preserved here. OpAphid can also be reached via Skype.

The Voice Mail

After deciphering the number we were instructed to message OpAphid with what we believed out instruction to be.
The message said:
Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem.
It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.
Mistakes are the portals to discovery.
Alas, never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake.
It is possible to fail in many ways, while to succeed is possible only in one way.
Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.
A story is told as much by silence as by speech.
Except in this case.
And then wait for further instruction.
These lines are quotes with a few linking words inserted.
With Authors:
Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem. [Henry Kissinger]
It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong. [Voltaire]
Mistakes are the portals to discovery. [James Joyce]
Alas, never interrupt an enemy when he is making a mistake. [Napoleon]
It is possible to fail in many ways, while to succeed is possible only in one way. [Aristotle]
Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time. [[[Arnold H. Glasgow]]]
A story is told as much by silence as by speech. [Susan Griffin]
Except in this case.
And then wait for further instruction.

Solution Status: Known to some but still in Secret Mode (as per the request of OpAphid)

Letters in Aphid

Corresponding videos:
A PAIN HID = A IN APHID (on "Cassie Does Not R.I.P.")
HID IN APP = P IN APHID (on "You Made the Right Choice, Bree!")
HAD IN HIP = H IN APHID (on "Do go to god, cassie") AND ("Disclosure: Cassie")
HIP IN AID = I IN APHID (PREVIOUSLY on "Disclosure: Cassie") Now on none
PAID HIND = D IN APHID (on "Add Poe Hinder Vilification")


"The first step toward any solution? The A in APHID, of course"
Profile verifying solution:
The first step toward any solution? ANALYSIS. Analyze the data in front of you.


Only those who have found instruction within the message will be prepared to prove their worth. While history is full of subtle clues toward greater secrets, some messages are meant to be taken literally--regardless of any deeper connections we might suspect.
Above all others, the P in APHID is our greatest purpose. Its importance is essential to understand before any further progress can be made.
In that regard, sometimes additional enlightenment can be found hidden amongst information we previously considered a part of our history...
Profile verifying solution:
To PROTECT is our greatest purpose, above all others. The importance of PROTECTION is essential to understand before any further progress can be made.



Full Solution Thus Far:

A = Analysis
P = Protect
H = Hinder
I = ?
D = ?

Operation Aphid: The YouTube Group

When viewing OpAphid's profile we can see they are a member of:

Group Name: ipod opera - a hint?
Description: mimic unto nonchalance
Tags: ihit dan poor ape
Created: September 27, 2006

Name anagrams to: OPERATION APHID
Description anagrams to: COMMUNICATION CHANNEL
Tags anagram to: OPERATION APHID

Known members (10 total):

rustybug found by shifty
saint696 found by Xrynaem
jimmyjm found by Ziola

OperationAphid is also a member of:

All three groups were created the same day but the last two have no other members.

All groups are invite only


Not everyone is a fan of OpAphid's Puppet Masters.

For certain spans of time, correct solutions to puzzles are withheld from the general populous. The character asks that we stay quiet and since they are a character that we must stay in the good graces of, we comply...within reason. This leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many, both new players who don't understand why people aren't giving out the answers and veterans who aren't used to a PM who locks down their game to quite this level.


Wiki and YouTube
You Made the Right Choice, Bree!

DO GO TO GOD, Cassie (for my helper)

Everyone Hates Cassie: What a poor, lonely girl.

They Attack Cassie! Is Daniel next? He crossed the line.

What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?

Cassie is Lying, Cassie Tells Lies

Disclosure: Cassie. We Are "They"

Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)

Cassie Does Not R.I.P. (Rest In Peace)