Talk:The Email

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Revision as of 11:09, 23 August 2007 by Theresa (Talk | contribs)

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(Yelling and closing the door) Hey can you all just turn it down for a minute! It's freaking 12:30!

(Addressing camera again) It's 12:30 and they're out there playing drinking games and laughing insanely at stupid dog tricks on TV.

(Sitting on bed, drinking something from a glass) You know something I promise you right now I will never turn out like them. You know what? I've learned a lot about myself over this last year. I know things got messed up but... well, Bree died. She's dead and there's nothing I can do to bring her back. But what I can do is make sure that she didn't die in vain.

(Sitting in office chair) Look, Jonas, I know exactly how you feel. I don't know who we can trust, but we have to do something. Look, if I were you - I would look for your parents. That's all I'm going to say about that. But you should know by now that if you need my help, bro, I'm here for you.

(Turns camera to shot of computer) So this is me doing my part. I'm going to open up Bree's email. And I'm going to let you know what I find.

[Strange noises. Room goes dark]

All right, look, I opened up Bree's email and now all of a sudden there's some dude in black outside. And that means there must have been a worm or something in the email. I'm sorry, I have no choice now, I've got to delete it.

Uhh.. what is this? Why did you do it on this page?--jeans
Well, someone else was doing the transcript at the exact same time as I was, I noticed, and I wanted to be helpful without being.. like.. pushy. --Theresa
Pretty decent thing to do, Theresa - though you should probably make it known on the talkpage/summary so others know what you've done. --Pheon 01:32, 23 August 2007 (CDT)
Will do! And thanks. :-) -- Theresa