Free will

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Free will is a topic that has been addressed in several ways thoughout the Lonelygirl15 series. According to Wikipedia:"The question of free will has been a central issue since the beginning of philosophical thought."

We get our first indication that free will might be an issues in the early videos when we see a picture of Aleister Crowley on Bree's bedroom. wall. Crowley is perhaps best known for his seemingly contradictory but esoterically linked instructions, "Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and "Love is the law, Love under Will".

In the video How My Parents Met we learn that Bree's mother felt compelled to walk over to a man whom she had never met, and tell him he was completely wrong- that the theme of the play was Free Will.

Free will can be approached from either a religoius or a theological perspective. It also has implications for legal and constitutional issues such as free speach.