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Revision as of 16:35, 17 September 2007 by Jbshryne (Talk | contribs)

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Inmy observation of the lgpedia. I've decided that all the character pages need a new layout. More informitive and factual, rather than speculatory(if that's a word). It should be based on what we know of the characters, not what we hope to happen or assumptions. I shall start with Emma's page and I hope nobody takes offense, but I'm taking down all the little cute captions under the pictures. Please don't kill me.

I have no problems with you wiki-fying the Character pages. Any attempts to better the pages are good in my book :) However, I say we should keep the captions. They aren't really hurting anything... --Zoey 21:12, 16 September 2007 (CDT)
Um... indeed, I'd love to have another person helping to cleanup and wiki-up Character pages and such. But yes, when you start "taking down all the little cute captions", I think you'll find you come up against some resistance. The LGPedia is NOT Wikipedia; while it is a wiki and its goals are the same, there is (usually) an overall feeling of fun and lightness that I quite like here, which the picture captions go a long way to preserving. There is also a precedent for "fun captions" among other wikis; the Homestar Runner Wiki, for example, uses this convention, and I consider that to be a very faithful and successful wiki. As Zoey said, they aren't hurting anything... they aren't getting in the way of any information... so leave them be, and let us have our fun. ~ JBSHRYNE 11:35, 17 September 2007 (CDT)