We're Safe

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Revision as of 14:37, 17 November 2007 by (Talk) (Notes)

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Flock Video 2X02
We're Safe

Why can't I stop dropping my camera?

Blogger horrorlass
Date Posted November 12th, 2007
URL youtube.com
Description Sorry for not getting in touch sooner, things have been hectic.

PS - Cyn, I left you something behind.

YouTube Tags alessandra horrorlass cynthia cynnamondolce the flock order hymn of one crowley

Alessandra Unknown
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Previous "What's Been Going On"
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Previous by horrorlass "Listen to my story"

We're Safe is the seventh video in the horrorlass video series, and the second video of The Flock Season 2.


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Soon after this video, Alessandra posted on the forums; "These social networking sites are rather confusing don't you think?

I mean, perhaps they are useful to help you get to know people, but do you they really help you know anything about that person? You could discover their favourite music or birthday from these sites, but do you really get a sense of what that person is like? Do you even find out anything at all?

Perhaps if you took everything into account, from their MySpace, YouTube, Bebo and FaceBook, if you amalgamate this information then you may begin to have a clue. But who would it be meaningful to anyway?"