I Completed The Ceremony

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Episode 51/1x051
I Completed The Ceremony

Bree with bandage.jpg
What? Something on my arm? Flesh wound.

Blogger Bree
Date Posted October 13th, 2006
URL old.LG15.com
Forum [1938 forum discussion]
Length 1:27
Description It was a little spooky because it was soooo dark, but it went really well.
Location(s) Bree's bedroom
YouTube Tags LG15 lonelygirl15 daniel danielbeast ceremony good fun woods dark barnacle
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, and Greg Goodfried
Producer(s) Amanda Goodfried
Director(s) Mesh Flinders and Miles Beckett
Vidplay Mesh Flinders
Story Miles Beckett, Mesh Flinders, Greg Goodfried, and Amanda Goodfried
Editor(s) Miles Beckett
Bree Jessica Lee Rose
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "The Ceremony"
Next "Following The Helper"
Previous by Bree "The Ceremony Is Tomorrow :)"
Next by Bree "Daniel, Be Careful..."

I Completed The Ceremony is the fifty-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series. I Completed The Ceremony is the fifty-first video in the lonelygirl15 video series. Bree talks about completing the Ceremony.


(Bree is sitting in her chair. She has a bandage on her arm again.)

Bree: So... I wasn't going to talk about this today, because I thought I would be too weak, but...I feel great! The Ceremony was amazing. I feel so close to the people that I love now, I mean...even though my parents weren't there, I definitely felt their presence. Lucy was incredible. She stood beside me the entire time and held my hand. I got to meet many of the elders. I've been told that it's a great honor just to be in their presence. Now I understand why. I didn't slip up once, I remembered all of the steps that Lucy and I had worked on. I remembered my Enochian symbols, all of them. So...that was cool. It was pretty amazing studying all of these things for months and then seeing them all used in one night, the language, the steps, the discipline. There was an incantation given at the end of the ceremony that was in Enochian, and I actually understood most of it. So... I guess I'm kind of sad now because...it's over. I won't be seeing Lucy anymore. She's being sent somewhere else, but I made a promise to keep in touch. One thing that I was told after the ceremony is that now I'm in a place of much greater responsibility. It's gonna be more important than ever to stay disciplined. I don't think that's going to be a problem though, 'cause I feel like a completely new person.


  • Bree was supposedly getting her injections in preparation for the ceremony, but she still has a bandage on her arm the day after. As Daniel observes in the next video, "why would she still be getting shots if the ceremony is over?"