Help Me Save Them!

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Episode 384/2x128
Help Me Save Them!

Juanita wasn't lying...

Blogger Jennie
Date Posted December 28th, 2007
Forum [15503 forum discussion]
Length 2:05
Description I found out I'm being lied to and I don't like it.
Location(s) Lullaby project
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 bree daniel danielbeast jonas jonastko
Jennie Melanie Merkosky
Carl Craig Coyne
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Previous by Jennie "Am I A Murderer?"

Help Me Save Them! is the three-hundred eighty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the one-hundred twenty-eighth video of season two. Help Me Save Them! is the three-hundred eighty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the one-hundred twenty-eighth video of season two.


(Carl and Jennie are seen in a dark tent.)

Carl: Forget about the numbers. Just do your job.

(Cut to Jennie in a tent by herself.)

Jennie: You know how sometimes the littlest things can change everything? Well just those six words turned me into someone who sneaks around and lies and breaks and enters. Recap: Last week, I found that woman in town, um, you know the one that said that she wouldn't go to the Lullaby Project because a lot of her relatives were having miscarriages there. Hey, I found the file on Juanita Cerez's relatives. And sure enough, three of them had miscarriages in the same two weeks. And then I looked at the reports, the public ones that were put out by the Lullaby Project, and you know how many miscarriages they said there were? One! (holds up one finger) One. And it wasn't even one of Juanita's relatives. It was some other random person, someone who I've never met.

(Cut back to Carl and Jennie.)

Carl: (looking at the woman's file) Seems like you're right about the discrepancy. You know, I wouldn't worry about it though. (puts the file down) This is Mexico.

Jennie: What's that supposed to mean?

Carl: Well, it's not like they have a reputation for efficiency down here.

Jennie: Yeah, don't you think we should tell somebody?

Carl: Jennie, the last thing we need is bad publicity. Why don't we just do what we came down here to do? You know forget about the numbers, just do your job. (leaves)

Jennie: Okay, good night.

(Cut back to Jennie.)

Jennie: So I decided to find the file on the other woman, the one whose miscarriage they did report. (holds up the file which says "Verdus" on the front) There's nothing in the file. Nothing. Just a slip of paper from Verdus Pharmaceuticals and some sort of an intake slip or something. Um, there's a patient number in the corner--patient number 112, and beside that in parenthesis the letter D. I have no idea what that means. All I know is that what Carl says, I can't forget the numbers. Because they're not numbers, they're babies.
