St. Kilda Beach

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Episode 154/1x154
St. Kilda Beach

Charlie feels good to be home.

Blogger Charlie
Date Posted December 31st, 2007
Forum [515 forum discussion]
Length 4:04
Description I'm home now. I won't be blogging for a while but don't forget about me. I won't forget about any of you. x
Location(s) Melbourne
Production Credits
Executive Producer(s) Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried
Co-Executive Producer(s) Joanna Shields and Amanda Goodfried
Associate Producer(s) Cristy Coors Beasley
Series Producer(s) Pete Gibbons
Line Producer Kelly Brett
Production Runner(s) Meryl Iona Edwards
Director(s) Luke Hyams (BigBalls Films)
Head Writer Luke Hyams
Vidplay Luke Hyams
Story Miles Beckett, Luke Hyams, and Hazel Grian
Editor(s) Yusuf Pirhasan
Charlie Tara Rushton
Adjacent Blogs
Previous "I Did It!"
Next "Happy new year?"

St. Kilda Beach is the one-hundred fifty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series. St. Kilda Beach is the one-hundred fifty-fourth video in the lonelygirl15 video series.


(Charlie is walking outside along a row of shops in Melbourne. The camera views a sign for the "Rose Garden at the walk".)

Charlie: Rose Garden Walk. Always came down here; really good to buy presents. (Pans the camera to the store window, and then across the street to "natures nectar".) Ah, Nature's Nectar! This is like memories. Sushi bar. We'd always come down here, just for girl's night after school. Just hang out.

(Cut back to the store window.)

Baby clothes. I think Kim would love something like this. Or she would have, anyway.

(Cut to an intersection, showing signs for various areas of Melbourne. Cut to a shot of the entrance to Luna Park. Cut to a shot of the shoreline. Cut to a shot of waves against the shore. Cut to a shot of a fishing boat offshore. Cut to Charlie walking down a long pier. She then turns the camera toward herself.)

You can't imagine how weird it is to be back home. (Sighs.) I didn't think I'd be back here for such a long time. (Sniffs and the camera cuts to a shot of a lighthouse.) Sure, there are so many things that I missed about home. (Cut back to Charlie.) E-Especially Kim. (Shakes her head.) But, to be honest with you, she was... the main reason why I left in the first place.

(Cut to a playground.)

I've never spoken about the reasons why I left Australia on camera before. I moved to London and I wanted to start afresh. Compared to the craziness back in London, it... makes my reasons for leaving Aus seem quite normal, I guess.

(Cut to Charlie watching children playing. Cut to Charlie walking along a sidewalk.)

God, I- I don't even know how to say this. I'm just gonna... Just gonna put it out there. (Sniffs.) Kim isn't Rose's, she's mine. (Sniffs.) I was so confused. (Sniffs.) And I- And I thought that Kim would be... But it should be better off with Rose, so I... I left her here and I ran away to England.

I'm not proud of what I did. (Sniffs.) I just really hope she can forgive me for it. (Takes a deep breath.) Here goes.

(Charlie walks up to a house.)

This is where I say goodbye. Thanks so much for all those times that you listened to me. Maybe I'll see you around.


  • This confirms the theory that Kim is Charlie's daughter.