Happy Thanksgiving

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Template:Blog3 Happy Thanksgiving is Jonas's third video. Jonas shares his background.


Jonas: Hi Bree. (grins and waves) Uhh... happy Thanksgiving?

I don't really know what to say; I uh... I feel bad, you know, that you uh, you don't know where your parents are and um ... you know, you're not gonna be with 'em for the holiday. See the thing is...is that, uh, you know I spend almost every holiday alone too. Um, and i don't know where my parents are either. Some of the people who watch my videos are wondering... uh - you know (laughs a little) why I live in this big old house all alone. Well the reason is that um...six years ago my parents, uh...they disappeared. They were lost at see. (looks down uncomfortably) Umm...

That's uh... that's right, I'm - I'm an "orphan." (makes air quotation marks with his fingers) More Bruce Wayne than Oliver, though. (laughs) I hope.

So I saw your video on longitude, and ... I don't know, it - it made me wanna ... share this with you. See my, uh, my mom and dad, they were sailing around the 140th longitude, uh, when they disappeared. Before the uh, the big trip my mom.. she was freaking out, she wanted my dad to buy this, this "Satnan" (or something like that, i can't tell exactly what he said) for the boat. Um.. i think he was a little bit insulted, because he - y'know, i mean he's been sailing his whole life. So - anyway... a Humbolt County ranger station picked up a distress call from them, but uh (shakes head) you know, they couldn't... they couldn't make it out, and the Coast Guard... they sent out a helicopter, but.. y'know it was... it was a shot in the dark... it was a hundred-mile range and forty-foot seas, it ... they never found ... the boat, or the wreckage, or anything. Just, (waves hand) just gone.

(Laughs a little) Wow. ... I can't believe I just told, I told that to a complete stranger. ... Many - (laughs) many complete strangers. Uh. (looks down)

I kinda know what you're going through so... if you ever want to talk or whatever.. I'm here.

(more cheerfully) Oh - and another thing. C'mere. (crooks finger at the camera) Listen: give Daniel a break, a'right? Life is, is too short for this. I, I think that he seems like a pretty good guy, and he's been by your side throught kind of a lot. So uh, cut him a break. ... Besides, I think that he really does have your, your best interests in mind.

Well, I guess that's it, um...have a good Thanksgiving.
